Subject: Listen to Steve

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

As we all know, 2007 is rapidly approaching. The holidays
are upon us and the new year is only six weeks away. But
once the holidays have come and gone, what are you going to
be doing that's different?

What are you going to be doing to change and improve your
life? What are you going to be doing to move you closer to
financial independence and entrepreneurial success? Got a

I recently received an incredibly great and flattering email
from Steve Hammond, a client that recently purchased the
Million Dollar ecourse and reserved his seat for our
December 9th Million Dollar Seminar.

Steve and I have spoken a few times via email and over the
phone. And now, I'd like to share with you some excerpts
from one of Steve's most recent emails. His words are
self-explanatory and, in my opinion, really sum up what I
think many serious and aspiring entrepreneurs should be
considering as the new year is approaching. Honestly,
there's just no better endorsement and encouragement than
Steve's comments. So without further ado, here's Steve:

"To be honest with you, I am actually blown away by this
opportunity and how accessible you are…….Your ecourse is
unbelievable in detail, information, and PRICE!!! C'mon,
only 97 bucks for all that?............and I can't tell you
how much I appreciate your emails and phone call. You
really do stand by your information."

"I have looked at a ton of sites and business opportunities.
Every serious opportunity that I looked at is a franchise
that costs tens if not hundreds of THOUSANDS of dollars just
to start. It's crazy! How can an average person really
afford to start their own business? They can't!"

"………I am so excited about learning more at the seminar.
This is a real opportunity that someone like me can really
sink my teeth into without breaking the bank. Seriously,
the more research I have done the less sleep I get! The
opportunity is incredible and I am just so excited."

"The end of the year is a perfect time for me to attend the
seminar because the first of the year is going to be a new
beginning for me……This is easily the best opportunity that I
have come across and I can't thank you enough."

"As you say, 'I'll see you at the top!"
Steve Hammond, CA

Well, there you have it. Again, there is no better feeling
than receiving such kind and generous feedback. It
definitely makes my efforts worth while.

But where do you stand, Friend? Like Steve, are you
primed and positioned, ready to explode as of the first of
the year? Are you serious about launching a new business, a
new you, a new and exciting financial opportunity as of the
first of the year? Only you can answer those questions,

Yes it's the holiday season. Yes you should spend money on
gifts and enjoy the holiday season with loved ones. I
encourage you to do so because I sure know I'm going to!
But again, what happens when the holiday is over and it's
time to take down the decorations? Are you going to go back
to business as usual or are you going to be investing into
the new you – a new opportunity, a Million Dollar opportunity.

If you're serious about change, Friend, if you're
serious about building your own Million Dollar business,
then on December 9th you need to be in New York learning
everything you need to know about How to Build a Million
Dollar Medial Transportation Company.

Seriously, December 9th is going to be another incredible
event that, when you leave, is going to have you saying
"This was my best investment!" I guarantee it!

But don't just take my word for it. Go to
and just listen to what previous attendees are saying. They
say it far better than I ever could!

It's a new year. It's time for new opportunities. See you
on the 9th!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1475

PS: Don't forget to contact us with your flight info so we
can make arrangements to pick you up and return you to the