Subject: Life's Short, Live FREE!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the growing Million Dollar Transportation Community. I hope this message finds you all well, in good health, and that business is booming!

Because you're on my mailing list, I know you're all interested in becoming a successful entrepreneur. But realistically, some of you are more ambitious and willing to take bold action more so than others. And for those of you that are stuck in a rut, working for "the man" in the daily grind and continue to teeter back and forth in your decision to start your own business, I dedicate this impromptu message to you.

I was at the gym today and I bumped into a father whose son that I coached in football. He's a real nice standup guy that works hard as a Broome County Corrections Officer.

We were in the locker room at the same time and started up an interesting conversation. Somehow our conversation led into how he and five other CO's are stressed because they're being investigated for alleged excessive abuse on an inmate.

He's on one of those "teams" that you may have seen on TV that rushes into a cell when an inmate refuses to exit or cooperate. If you're a corrections office yourself, please pardon my ignorance as I don't recall the appropriate name.

Anyways, this inmate refused to exit the cell and follow the CO's commands. As a result, when they rushed the cell the inmate ended up getting hurt suffering from a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder. Now, all six CO's are being investigated, have to go through hearings, and face possible disciplinary action.

Needless to say, this guy was pretty upset and bummed out. He's frustrated because he's been a CO for many years with what sounds like a great performance record thus far. But now, here he is, doing his job, taking mandatory overtime when necessary, taking risks in dealing with criminals, and now he and five others have their careers and performances on the line.

C'mon! If what he told me is the truth, which I don't see a reason for him to lie, what in the heck would motivate a person to want to be a corrections officer?! This guy works hard dealing with criminals which is a dangerous cat and mouse chase itself, he does mandatory overtime whenever demanded without advanced notice, and he makes something in the neighborhood of $50k per year.

In listening to this guy, you couldn't help but feel bad for him. It was obvious that he was disturbed about the situation. Even if/when these CO's get cleared of whatever they're being accused of they still had to deal with the frustrations, headaches, and inconvenience.

While listening to this guy, I could only think of one thing. Thank God for his blessings and for allowing me to do what I do!

Realistically, you can make a very good argument that this guy is a far better man than me - bottom line! He's in a risky and dangerous environment. I'm not. He's under a far, far greater stressful situation than me - one in which you have to keep your head on a swivel. I'm not. His work requires him to work unpredictable and lengthy hours. Not me! And in my opinion, he's really not making that much money - $50k per year. Not an option for me!

Now is the point of this email to gloat because, unlike this CO, I'm not in a stressful situation and because I make a lot more money? Heck no! Like I said, chances are good that this guy is a far better man than me.

But my point is this. If you're teetering, not quite sure whether you want to take bold action and start your own business and take control of your life, I encourage you to think of this guy and how unpredictable life and work can be.

Prior to entering that cell with five other CO's this guy was another hard worker doing his job. Now, after entering that cell, he has even greater and noticeable stress and who knows what the ramifications will be and how long they'll last.

Is he in control of his financial future working as a CO? Heck no. He's still an employee that has a ceiling on how much money he can make each year. Now compound the problems and stress by considering the hearings they're facing, possible disciplinary action, or whatever else the process may entail. Is he in control? Heck no!

I don't care what type of business you're thinking of starting or the industry you plan to enter. Unless you want to keep facing the same old daily grind, always have a ceiling in terms of earning potential, then it's time for you to take action - bold action.

It doesn't have to be a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company. If building a medical transportation company isn't for you, do something else. Regardless, I encourage you to just do something.

Words can't express how satisfying and gratifying it is to be able to avoid such problems - problems in which "the man" can determine your future instead of you. Or, how much money you can make.

Is there anything wrong with being an employee? Absolutely not. We need employees. If it wasn't for good, hardworking employees, I wouldn't be in the position I'm in. The only difference is I would rather be "The Man" versus working for "the man."

So if you're teetering, wasting time caught in indecision, I say get yourself in gear and get going. The only thing that's constant is that time is going to continue to pass. You're either going to leverage time or time is going to leverage you. The choice is yours!

Life's short. Live FREE!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477