Subject: Lead, Follow, Or Get Out of the Way! - Read This!

Speed of Implementation
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you and yours doing well and that
business is booming!

I'm sharing this email with you because many of you can learn from other
entrepreneurs that definitely understand the importance of "Speed of

The response from those of you that have invested in my new manual, How
to Build a Million Dollar Home Care Agency, has been phenomenal.  I can't
thank and commend all of you enough. 

But for those of you that have invested, my question is, what are you going
to do with it?  Let me give you two quick examples. 

Two weeks ago when I unexpectedly received some of my first printing of
my Home Care manual, I sent out an email to those of you wanted to start

I'm very pleased to share that Christopher Land, owner of "Transport Care
Services," based in Columbia, South Carolina, purchased the very first

Now, within less than two weeks of receiving, studying, and digesting my
manual he has already incorporated a new entity and is working on his 
insurance policy for his new Home Care business!

That is....Speed of Implementation!

You may remember Chris Land as I have mentioned him in previous
emails.  His transportation business has blown up over the last three
years for which I am very pleased to say that I continue to work with him.

Chris doesn't just work hard, but he works smart!  Together, we have
taken on brokers not once, not twice, not three times, but four times and
all 4 times we have gotten him great deals!

There are a lot of closed minded entrepreneurs from a wide variety of
industries that are bitter and salty because they're not making any money. 
To them, they have all the answers and consider investing in the counsel
of others as a waste of time.

Needless to say, this is NOT the case with Chris!  He's kickin' ass and
taking names.  Don't be surprised if you continue to hear about Chris
blowing things up over the next two years!

Speed of Implementation

The second person to invest in How to Build a Million Dollar Home Care
, ironically enough, is Carlos Banks!  

I'm sure you probably know of Carlos Banks, owner of "The Wheelchair
Taxi" and "Quick Time Courier" and author of "How to Start a Successful
Courier and Small Package Delivery Service."

Carlos has been featured in some of my previous videos and has literally
attended not one, not two, but three of my different Seminars!

Again, haters would say Carlos is wasting his money.  But there's a
reason why Carlos' net worth increases with each passing day.  There's a
reason why he now owns a medical transportation company, a courier
service, and two other businesses that I can't disclose because he hasn't
given me permission as of yet.

But here is what is so flattering and impressive.  Like Chris Land, Carlos
is not wasting any time in using my manual to hit the ground running in 
laying the foundation for his new business, his Home Care Agency.

I have received some great emails from many of you.  But I share the
following email with you in particular because it's not even from a
business owner!  Rather, it's from a person with whom Carlos has already
enlisted to employ and help him develop his new Agency:

Dear Joel,

"It is a pleasure to read and study your manual.  I have had the
opportunity to work on both sides of the spectrum of the health care
industry as an CNA2 and also an Office Manager of a large nursing
staffing agency founded in Greensboro, NC.  I am very impressed with
the knowledge and insight which is given in your manual.  I see the
industry from your knowledge and know-how with a nursing staffing office. 
I can see the vision you have as a mentor for the home care business
and find it to be very knowledgeable.  I look forward to helping Mr. Banks
turn his business into a huge and profitable company using the
knowledge from your resources.  I feel honored to be a part of his
business and watch it grow from the ground up.  I would love to be able
to be able to sit down with you and listen to how you gained and grew
into the man you are within the medical industry.  Thank you very much
for your time and your knowledge.  If everyone grasps hold of the
concepts laid in front of them their business will have no choice but to

Susan Freck

Again, I share this specific testimonial with you versus the testimonials I
have already begun to receive from business owners because it literally
comes from an employee!

Within two weeks Carlos has already recruited and enlisted the help of
someone of experience that will prove to be the foundation for his Home
Care Agency!

Again, this is called "Speed of Implementation!"

Speed of Implementation

Obviously, I can't congratulate Chris and Carlos enough!  I applaud their
efforts and ability to see opportunity and take advantage with a fast start.

But again, my question is to all of you that have invested in How to Build
a Million Dollar Home Care Agency
.  Are you going to sit on this
opportunity or follow suit like Chris and Carlos?

If you follow the strategies in my manual it will not cost you a lot of money
to get started, especially by leveraging your existing transportation service.

For those of you that haven't yet invested in my new manual, use the link
below to get started and to learn more.

Click Here for Joel's New Home Care Agency Manual

And don't forget, for all of you that reserve your seat for my upcoming
Seminar in San Jose, California, I'm going to send you a FREE copy of
How to Build a Million Dollar Home Care Agency!  That's a savings of more
than $400!!

To be clear, this offer of my FREE manual is ONLY good for those of you
that reserve your seat before the end of February!

Don't receive your seat in the month of March and ask for a free manual. 
It's not going to happen.

Click Here to Reserve Your Seat & Get FREE Home Care Manual

I know the economy stinks!  But one of the fastest growing markets is the
medical industry.  I'm going to show you how to leverage both the medical
transportation industry and the home care industry!

Be like Chris, Carlos and many others and take advantage!  You can't
afford not to!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group