Subject: Juan's making it happen!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

I'm back from vacation and ready to roll. I know it's been
a while, but I just posted some more important info on the
Million Dollar Blog. I encourage you to check out the
latest "News and Updates" by visiting us at

I always believe that if one person has a question there
are many others with similar thoughts and questions. So,
check it out when you can.

Also, in the month of August I will be very busy. I will be
traveling to meet with two clients for three days of
exclusive one-on-one training, I have another four day
vacation planned, and then in September I will be in Italy
for a little less than three weeks.

So, in preparing for our upcoming Million Dollar Seminar, if
you have any questions I encourage you to send them over.
And, seating is limited so if you haven't done so already,
I encourage you to reserve your seat(s) as soon as possible.

Check out the latest by visiting us at

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis