Subject: Is Your Business On Autopilot?

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Community.  I hope this message finds all of you doing well and that business is booming!

I would like to congratulate all of you that have reserved your seat(s) for our February 3rd Million Dollar Seminar.  We look forward to meeting and working with all of you.  Because I've spoken with so many of you either via email or over the phone, it will be great to finally "put a face to a name!"

As those of you whom I've met, worked with, or just talked to via written or telephone correspondence will attest, I tend to be a blatant person.  I'm a very upfront and honest person - whether it's bad or good I call it as I see it.  So in keeping with my personality, I thought it appropriate to share with you an excerpt from an email I received today in the event you've had or are having similar thoughts.

In his email, this gentleman writes:

"I have been to plenty of seminars in the past and I have yet to find one that is really worth the money.  I think that yours is high priced and I do not see why you would only be having one seminar per year if it is really legit."

Well, well, well.  There's just so much to say that I really don't even know what say!  I actually have to laugh at such ignorant comments and opinions.

At the end of the day, here's the deal.  Can you waste money at other seminars?  Sure.  Will you waste money when you attend the Million Dollar Seminar?  Heck no!  Past attendees will be the first ones to attest that the Million Dollar Seminar is the real deal and that is the best investment for your new business.

So I'm not going to waste your time or my time trying to impress upon you just how informative and critical the Million Dollar Seminar is to the investment of your business.  If you don't get it now, three weeks out from the event, then you're never going to get it.

But, I will tell you and will justify this.  Why am I hosting ONLY one Million Dollar Seminar in 2007?  BECAUSE I CAN!

Let me put it to you this way.  Many of you have met, learned from, worked with, and spoken with Kathy, my Office Manager.  But what you may not know is that Kathy has recently got a promotion!  Because I'm such a delicate, innocent, and fragile young man I decided to promote Kathy to be my own personal Office of Homeland Security Advisor. 

In accepting this position, Kathy has advised me that, to ensure my safety security, it is in my best interest to travel to England and Ireland in the month of February.  It is further very important that I travel to Alaska and make multiple trips to Las Vegas throughout the course of the year.  Kathy has also advised me that it is in my best interest to take my mother on our annual three week trip to Italy - or I'll be trouble with my mother!

So in short, I'm leaving in 2007!  Why - because I CAN!  And guess what, I can promise you that the whole time I'm in England, Ireland, Alaska, Italy, or wherever else I am, I'll be MAKING money!  Why - because I CAN! 

Back in the day, I started with one vehicle.  But now, my businesses are on autopilot.  So it doesn't matter where I am, what I'm doing, who I'm with, I will still be making money!

Now I ask you, all of you, especially those of you that send me ridiculous emails saying that the cost of the Seminar is too much, or you don't think it's worth it, or you can't make it for whatever reason, can you say the same thing? 

Do you already have multiple vacations scheduled for 2007?  Is you're business on autopilot?  Do you have more freedom and flexibility?  Are your bank accounts getting bigger everyday?  Are you making money regardless of where you are?

If not, then what are you going to do about it?  Is the cost of the Million Dollar Seminar really "too high priced" when you consider that you're going to learn exactly how to duplicate my success?  Well, only you can answer that.

Regardless, I'm done trying to convince people of the importance of building their own business to create wealth and independence.  I'm done stressing how important it is to invest in the Million Dollar Seminar prior to starting your business. 

If you don't get it by now, then as mean as it sounds, you're pretty much on your own.  If you can't see how important it is for you to find a way, any way, to invest the time, money, and effort to get to New York on February 3rd, then honestly, I don't see how I can really ever be of assistance to you.  And as such, you probably just remove me from list and I'll even stop emailing you and will remove you from my Newsletter distribution.

So please, if you're planning on sending me an email complaining about the cost of the Million Dollar Seminar, then just delete me from whatever list you have and forget that you ever ran into this Million Dollar Opportunity - especially if you're one of those people that complain about the cost of my ecourse - which retails for less than $100!  Seriously, if you can't even invest the $97.95 necessary to invest into the ecourse then I encourage you to just keep your day job!

Again, I really and sincerely congratulate all of you that already attended the Million Dollar Seminar and those of you that have already reserved your seat for February 3rd.  Simply put, you "get it!"  You see the opportunity and you're willing to take bold action to achieve success.

And no, I'm really not trying to "dump" on anyone.  But at this point, I'm done wasting your time and my time working to convince anyone of the validity of this opportunity.  You either get it or you don't.  And if you don't please don't email me with ridiculous comments and opinions. 

My name is Joel Davis and I approve of this message!

See You at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477

PS:  Unlike the gentleman that sent me a ridiculous email, if you're serious about moving forward and you'd like to build your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company, then visit us right now at and reserve your seat for February 3rd's Million Dollar Seminar.