Subject: Important Reminder...

Hello to all of you in our Million Dollar and Broker Communities!  As always, I hope this message finds you all doing well and business is booming!

In speaking with one of our Active Licensees, he is researching the prospects of expanding his broker business in two different locations in two different states.  This is awesome!  I LOVE it!

However, when I asked him if he had reviewed my 2018 Year-End Brief, he had not.  So I had to verbally beat him over the head!  

But with all seriousness, I can't encourage you enough to read this 6 page Brief.  It is very important and I put it together for a reason.  I share key changes and modifications we implemented in key locations in 2018 in my broker business.  You will want to learn and understand why we implemented the enhancements because chances are good you might encounter similar scenarios that warrant such modifications.

I won't use the word "resisted," but I'll be absolutely honest, some of the modifications I delayed in favor of pursuing what I will call "automated continuity." I wanted continuity and worked to keep structural policies the same for simplicity purposes.  But realistically, especially with direct feedback and input from some of our contractors, we had to make such modifications.

Again, because not all regions are the same, certain areas warranted enhancements to ensure profitability for our contractors, for us, and feasibility for our customers.  

So definitely login at the "Members Only" area on  If you have any problems logging in, please email Emilia at and she will ensure you have proper credentials. 

Also, while you're at the Members Only area, definitely read through many of the other posts.  There is some great content for you to learn more.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

PS: Stay in touch with your assigned Regional Director.  They are there to help you!  You have one full year of one-on-one coaching so take the time to leverage and squeeze our every ounce of knowledge from them.  They are all well experienced and very knowledgeable.  They are the "right hand men" of my broker business for a reason.  They won't chase you down so pursue and leverage them!  
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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