Subject: Important FAQs from Joel

Hello to our Million Dollar and Broker Communities!  As always, I hope this message finds you all doing well and business is booming!

We've been spending a lot of time speaking and working with a lot of prospective Licensees who want to take advantage of our 25% Enrollment Investment discount that is good through the end of December.  Not everyone will be able to complete and take advantage of this opportunity in time, but in the event you are seriously considering starting your own broker business, I encourage you to read this entire message.

As I'm sure you can imagine, it takes quite a bit of time hosting conference calls, answering questions via email, going through the enrollment process, etc.  Therefore, in an effort to almost "pre-qualify" and discern who is and is not serious, I want to share some various thoughts and answers to popular questions before we invest time in a conference call and initiate the enrollment process.

We are going to teach you to build a network of contractors - not teach you how to become an independent contractor.

One of my Regional Directors (RD) was speaking with a prospect who said he doesn't see how there is enough "meat on the bones" for him to make money.  As of close of business yesterday, Sunday, 12/9/18, our projected year end revenue will be $2,843,921 with 29.11% margin.  Again, this is projected based on numbers through last night, but I anticipate this number will increase a bit with Christmas right around the corner.  

I will be more than happy to share final year end number shortly after the first of the year.  But needless to say, if you do the math, I think you will agree I have plenty of "meat on the bone!"

Our Delivery average is $100.24 per work order.  Our Express move average is $396.23 per work order, and the combined Delivery plus Express Move totals 64.3% of our total revenue.

You cannot work independently for my Regional Directors.

This same prospect who baulked at the earning potential of this broker opportunity actually asked my RD if he could work for him!  LOL!  By all means, if you don't see or share the vision of owning an entire network and prefer to work as an independent operator owning your own job, sure, you can contact us separately and apply to serve as one of our independent contractors.  But no, you can't circumvent the processes of our network to serve independently for one of my RDs.  LOL!

If you don't have the money to invest, please wait until you do and believe you can qualify.

I know this might "offend" some, but honestly, it's necessary.  We welcome the opportunity to invest all the necessary time in conference calls, but you won't even be able to get out of the starting gates then it really is a misuse of everyone's time.  

For those of you in our community, the Enrollment Investment through December 31st is $15,000.  As of January 1st, the Enrollment Investment returns to $20,000 (And by all means, if you don't see the value and freedom of such an investment, then again, let's not waste anyone's time).  

And no, the Enrollment Investment is non-negotiable.  We're not running a garage sale or flea market!  Further, people only value what they invest in.  We can't invest in people who don't invest in themselves.

Qualification is not guaranteed.

There have been a few isolated instances where we have had to decline applicants for various reasons.

Bottom line, we want you to be successful and, therefore, need to invest in those whom we think have the greatest chances of success. It's in no one's best interest to go through the enrollment process, invest in one full year of personally coaching you, only to have you not be successful.  

Although I am a minority owner in YouAreTheBroker, I own my own broker business exclusively.  We are going to share with you all of the strategies used in my broker business on a daily basis to serve the many stores, vendors, and retail partners along with all of our marketing materials.  

Our goal is simple, to help you grow your broker business so we can, collectively, increase our national capacity - allowing us to intertwine our network into the services and supply chain management of national retailers and corporate partners.  Such a goal will lead to even greater opportunity!

Subscribe to the YouAreTheBroker YouTube channel.

We have a growing number of videos, some a short few minutes and others 15-30 minutes.  Please watch and learn as much as possible about YouAreTheBroker and this opportunity.  It will help us expedite and focus our conversations so we can answer your targeted questions.

Startup costs are limited and depend on how you start your business.

Because you are, literally, "the broker," you are not investing in assets.  However, as I have shared in previous correspondence and share in the very beginning of my material, when I first launched my broker business in late 2011 I literally started with a used box truck and hired a crew.  By the end of 2012 I had three box trucks and as many crews.  But honestly, my revenue and margins were no where near as profitable as they were as I transitioned to a complete contractor-based business model.  I was carrying the burden of all of associated expenses - labor, vehicle, maintenance, insurance, fuel, etc.

When you study my material, I am going to be teaching you how to build your business so that it resembles mine from 2014 on - using only 1099 contractors.  Don't get me wrong, the upfront investment was a great learning lesson and "training ground," but it is NOT how you want to build your broker business.  The numbers and profitability simply don't compare because you're no longer carrying the overhead burden.    

Starting with a business partner is entirely up to you.

I think this is a common question because many people in our Million Dollar community start their NEMT business with a partner.  Not that it's necessary in the NEMT industry, however, I would argue you definitely don't need a partner to start your broker business.  As the broker, you are the relationship builder, the chief negotiator, and team builder.  Notice, your job description does not include "laborer."  You don't need to start by operating a vehicle as I recommend you do when starting your NEMT business.

I hope you've read this far and these points of interest have been insightful so we can better focus our conversations.  Because we're all busy, the last thing I wasn't to do is waste anyone's time.  But I can assure you, if you're serious and ready to move forward, our entire team look forward to working with you.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis    

Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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