Subject: Important Admin Info...

Joel's West Coast Seminar
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I'm very pleased to say that we have attendees coming to my upcoming
San Jose Seminar from some of the largest states in the Union, such as 
Texas, while others are coming from some of the smallest, like a little
paradise island called Hawaii!

But what I'm most pleased about is how many of you attending have
either (1) already attended one of my previous seminars, (2) worked with
me One-on-One, or (3) studied my DVD Series and associated materials!

This is awesome and very humbling because it proves that you value my
information, resources, and strategies.  But moreso, it reinforces that you 
understand and value the importance of continued learning!!

So much and many congratulations and compliments to those of you
attending.  You're going to learn a GREAT deal of information and
strategies that are definitely going to separate you from your competitors.

Some quick important notes as follows:

1. If you already reserved your seat(s) for the seminar, make sure that
you make your hotel reservations.  Ensure that you reference the "Million
Dollar Transportation Seminar" to receive our discounted room rate.

2. If you're flying in and need a ride from the airport to the hotel, make
sure that you let the hotel know.  The Garden Hotel is literally only 5
minutes from the airport.  But you will want to let the hotel know to
coordinate shuttle service.

3. For those of you who I have not worked with One-on-One, I encourage
you to invest a few minutes into writing at least a few paragraphs to tell
me more about you and your business.  I would like to get to know you
better even before our Friday Night Meet & Greet.

You can email me at

4. If you are flying, definitely try and arrive early enough to join us for our
Friday Night Meet & Greet.  These are GREAT networking and social
opportunities.  It's a great opportunity to learn from others, share stories
and ideas, and much more. 

Our Meet & Greet will start will start around 8:00 PM so as to
accommodate everyone's travel schedule. 

And don't worry about food!  I'm a true Fat Man and love my food!  We
will have appetizers and finger foods on Friday night, Chicken Roulade
for lunch on Saturday, and Filet Mignon for dinner.

If you're a procrastinator and haven't yet reserved your seat, you need
to stop delaying! 

Click Here to Reserve Your Seat While Availability Remains

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group