Subject: Important Admin

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello to one and all within the Million Dollar Transportation
Community!  I hope that this message finds you all doing
well and that business is booming.

Again, I thank you all for you messages and emails.  I have
been able to touch base with many of you since my return
New York, but I am still working on responding to many

There are a number of emails that share similar content
and questions so I thought it appropriate to offer some
general information in the event that many more of you
have similar thoughts and questions.

While I was out of town, Kathy generously gave away a
FREE copy of her popular ebook, "Dispatching for Dollars,"
to a client whom she was working with on Dispatching
Made Easy.  The client was very much appreciative and
sent us a very nice thank note expressing her sincere
appreciation for Kathy's generosity. 

So because I know how much Kathy's ebook has meant to
this client, I thought it would be a great idea to further extend
such an offer.  So starting today, all of you whom invest in
my best-selling software, Dispatching Made Easy will
receive a FREE copy of Kathy's ebook, "Dispatching for

As I mentioned in previous correspondence, this is a great
resource that you're definitely going to want to share with all
your dispatchers.  I know that "Dispatching for Dollars" can
increase your operations efficiency and profitability.

To learn more about "Dispatching for Dollars" you can visit
us at

Also, for those of you that invest in my DVD and DME
package deal, the one that saves you $197.95, you too will
receive a FREE copy of "Dispatching for Dollars."  After
making your purchase we will ensure that this FREE ebook
is forwarded to you via email.

Next, I would like to compliment Nate Fragnoli from California
and Neil Tremont from
Texas.  I've been reviewing your
business plans and they are, honestly, VERY impressive.  I
will have my notes finished by the weekend and will forward
you my feedback and suggestions.

There are a few more business plans that I must continue to
work on and I promise to do so over the weekend and into the
beginning of this coming week.

And as a reminder, for those of you that invest in all of my
Million Dollar resources (my ebook, DVD's, and DME) I offer
my services to review your business plan FREE of charge. 
It's my own little way of showing my appreciation and
commitment to you!

Although I won't write your business plan for you, I will
thoroughly review it and email it back to you with my honest
thoughts and feedback.  And rest assured, I absolutely pledge
to keep your information strictly confidential!

Also, as I promised to those of you that have invested in the
Million Dollar ecourse and my DVD's, I will be sharing with you
information on how to join with me in one of my new business

I hope to get this information to you within the next few days. 
Obviously, my staying in
Italy an extra week delayed my delivery
of such information.  But I will get the information to you very

There is also some more exciting news coming up in the very
near future that I wish to share with you all in the very near future. 
So keep checking your email often.  I look forward to speaking
and working with you all. 

I enjoyed myself considerably while in Italy.  But ironically enough,
I can honestly say that vacations always tend to "fire me up" and
make me want to work that much harder and more productively
when I return.  So I have much to do and many of you to work
with.  So keep working hard and preparing yourself for success!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis


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