Subject: I'm the Real Boss! ;)

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hello Friend,

My name is Kathy, and I am the Office Manager for S&D Transportation. Because our June 3rd Million Dollar Seminar is quickly approaching, I asked Joel if I could contact you and all of his million dollar clients to personally introduce myself.

When I first asked Joel if I could contact you he looked at me very much surprised. But I told him that because I'm going to be playing an integral role in our upcoming seminar, I thought it was a good idea for all of you to know as much about me and my job related responsibilities in advance so that, unlike like Joel, you're not surprised!

I am very proud to say that I have grown tremendously with S&D Transportation. When I first joined Joel, a little more than four years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about this industry. I just knew that I wanted a job and was interested in an office position!

I started out working only part-time mostly in accounts receivables. I will never forget my first day. Joel showed me a very large stack of overdue invoices that needed to be collected and said "This stack represents my money. Your job is to collect my money while I go out and make more money!"

Needless to say, Joel has kept true to his word and made more money!

Obviously since my hiring, my job related tasks and responsibilities have dramatically increased. Now, as the Office Manager, I literally manage the high majority of our daily activities and my knowledge of this industry has grown tremendously.

In fact, Joel jokingly introduces me to people as "the real boss" and says that he's just a "washed up figurehead." Although he may say it jokingly (Joel does have quite the sense of humor), I consider Joel's words a compliment to my hard work and my growing knowledge of this industry.

Since joining Joel, I have witnessed a continued growth in our business. And I am very proud to say that I have been a part of such growth.

Our medical transportation service has continued to grow in clientele and in efficiency. Every day our relationship with local hospitals, nursing facilities, dialysis facilities, and our customers continues to grow and expand.

But now, I am very excited to tell you how our business is literally expanding into a new area. Over the past year we have been expanding to more than just a medical transportation service.

S&D Transportation is also a business-to-business service providing transportation services to local businesses, airports, hotels, universities, and more.

Feel free to visit us at to learn more about our expanding service.

Needless to say, we anticipate and continue to experience growth in our business-to-business service just as we have with our medical transportation service. And, we're literally doing it from the ground up – just like our medical transportation service was formed.

A few months ago, we came very close to purchasing an existing luxury limousine and transportation service. This acquisition would have literally tripled our revenue overnight and would have expanded our service to three locations within a 100 mile radius.

This acquisition was a great deal on paper. However, after long and prudent consideration, there were a number of reasons why we decided not to proceed with the acquisition.

Again, we decided that it was more advantageous and profitable if we started our service from the ground up rather than acquiring an existing service. Although it was a very difficult decision, as Joel likes to says, "Some of the best deals are the deals that don't happen."

Obviously, we have many opportunities and much to do at S&D Transportation. And I'm very pleased to be a part of it! Furthermore, I'm very excited to share our knowledge and experiences with you so that you can duplicate our success in your community.

As of today, there are still a handful of available seats remaining for our June 3rd Million Dollar Seminar. If you haven't already reserved your seat, I encourage you to do so today. Visit us at right not and make your secure reservation.

Like Joel, I look forward to meeting you and sharing with you how to build your business from the ground up into a thriving and profitable business.

Starting out working only part-time, I can tell you from first hand knowledge and experience how much our business has continued to grow and expand. And, I want to share this information with you.

On June 3rd, I'm going to share with you how, on a daily basis, I personally work with our county's Medicaid office and that of surrounding counties to increase our clientele and to ensure prompt payment.

I know Joel has told you how excited he is to receive large monthly Medicaid checks each and every month from the government. And trust me, he's not exaggerating! Joel's a big guy, but he's still a little kid at heart. On "paydays," if the amount is larger than the previous month we have a pizza party celebration in the office. Needless to say, we try and have a pizza party every month!

There are also many other topics that I look forward to discussing with you at the Million Dollar Seminar.

I will be explaining in detail how we have been able to increase our volume of business and our overall revenue while literally reducing our labor costs.

Speaking from first hand experience, I can 100% guarantee you that the strategies we use at S&D Transportation to increase efficiency while reducing and limiting overhead experience are priceless as compared to the cost of attending the Million Dollar Seminar.

There is a main strip here locally that is called Riverside Drive. This street is several miles long, has one of our main hospitals located on it as well as two nursing facilities, a major traffic circle, and too numerous doctor offices to count. It's a main strip that we use daily.

Without exaggeration, you can drive up and down Riverside Drive between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM and you will literally see at least half a dozen or more ambulettes at any given time sitting idle parked in a lot taking a break – and none of them are ours!

The reason – because the strategies that we use at S&D are incredibly more efficient and also because we're busy! There's no question that our strategies allow us to maximize our time and resources. We definitely do more with less – without compromising quality!

On June 3rd, Joel and I are going to share with you how our business was built from the ground up and into a business that simply operates at a much higher level of efficiency and profitability than our competition. You're going to be able to use these same strategies to make your business a booming success!

One of our main competitors is literally in the process of closing his doors. They have been in business for 22 years. Joel has told us countless stories of how drivers for this company used to laugh and mock him and his single vehicle when he was first staring S&D. Now, they're the ones closing the doors and we're the ones growing and expanding our service into new areas!

The owner of this soon to be former company has approached us several times asking us to purchase his failing business. Although that's not going to happen, it does make for an interesting story when you consider that Joel started with one vehicle seven years ago, no prior experience, and now we're the number one company in our area.

When you attend the Million Dollar Seminar we're going to share with you why we're number one and how you too can become number one in your community.

There's no better feeling than knowing that you're part of something special. And I'm sure you can tell that I'm very proud to be part of something special like S&D Transportation.

But now, I'm also very proud to be a part of something else that's very special - and that's the opportunity to help others. I am very pleased and honored to be a part of June 3rd's Million Dollar Seminar.

Why – because I'm going to be able to help you. I'm going to join Joel, Warren (our Director of Operations), and Aaron (one of Joel's accountants) in helping you to build your own million dollar business and to help you create something special.

If you haven't already reserved your seat at the Million Dollar Seminar then do so today at I look forward to meeting you and helping you to build something special.

Our company is living testament that you can start small and yet still "run with the big boys." As Joel always says, "It's not where you start that counts, it's where you finish."

Needless to say, we're going to help you start fast and finish strong. See you June 3rd!

Best wishes,
Kathryn J. Pot

PS: Please feel free to contact me with any questions about our upcoming seminar. You can email me direct at

PSS: If you're planning on flying in to the Broome County Airport or the Syracuse Airport, please contact me with your flight information. I'll make sure that you have transportation to and from the airport FREE of charge.