Subject: I'm sure you can relate....

Pursue Your Own Path to Freedom and Independence
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that business
is booming!

Especially for those of you just starting or thinking of starting a business,
I want to share with you an email that I'm sure many entrepreneurs in our
community can relate to as follows:

Dear Mr. Davis:

I would like to thank you for your work and information.  I have been
reading your newsletters for what seems like quite some time.  I
currently work at the [Name Deteted] Nursing Center and can tell you
first hand that there is a real need for quality transportation.  This is the
reason why I am contacting you.

I have been working at NDNC for almost 2 years and have served in a
variety of roles.  I have accompanied patients to medical appointment
and have witnessed first hand the poor quality of transportation. 
Besides the shabby appearance, there have been times when our
residents have literally waited several hours for transportation.  Its an
inconvenience and is unacceptable for our residents and our staff.

I know that we are not the only facility in our area that suffers from this
poor level of service.  For this reason and many others I would like to
start my own business.  But my concern is that I have never started a
business before.  I am only 24 and have no prior experience in terms of
starting a buisness.  I am very frugal and good with money.  I have
some money in savings available but I guess I am just a little weary of
starting.  With all honesty, I have some friends and family that are really
very discouraging which has been quite a surprise.  They pretty much
think I should just stay on my career path.     

I guess I am reaching out to you to see if you could share any thoughts
to help me make a decision.  I enjoy working at NDNC but I really feel I
could be more useful and satisfied in starting my own business.  I know
it won't be easy.  But I do feel that I have a greater purpose than what I
am doing now.

Any help or assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you for all of your help and information and everything that you

Best wishes,
Alex Gates

Thank you very much for your kind words, Alex, and for sharing your
sincere thoughts and feelings.  There are a handful of important things
that instantly stand out that you will want to consider as follows:

Get new friends!  Seriously, you have to be very cautious with whom
you spend your time with.  But more so, it is even more important that
you guard with whom share your intellect, emotions, and desires. 

You have to understand, there will always be haters!  In fact, we are
surrounded by haters!  There are several things that you need to
understand about haters as follows:

1. Haters are always poor!  Seriously, you rarely ever find a wealthy
hater, someone that would discourage you from starting your own
business.  Someone that has started from the bottom up, overcame
the challenges of starting a business, and have prospered are
typically always encouragers, not haters!

2. Haters all share the same characteristics.  They're negative,
belittling, judgmental, pessimistic, short, brief, offer no intellectual or
educational insight, they're opinionated, sarcastic, vulgar, rude, crude,
and much, much more. 

3. Haters have no concept of value.  Haters want everything for free
and will, in many instances, literally ask for hand outs.  Their
pessimistic mentality creates a sense of entitlement for which by
giving them more they value it less and less. 

You mention that you feel you "have a greater purpose."  Well said! 
Haters do not share this calling.  Where you have a burning desire for
greater personal growth and achievement, haters are miserable
misers content on remaining in their current rut.

I'm sure you've heard of the old adage "misery wants company."  Trust
me, it's true!  Haters discourage rather than encourage because they
want company in their mud hole!  They use their own insecurities in an
attempt to hold you back.

You have to ask yourself, when was the last time any of these haters
that are discouraging you ever did anything to improve or advance their
educations or opportunities.  The more you learn, the more you earn! 
When was the last time these haters in your life attended a seminar,
invested in an educational resource, or mentorship? 

Again, haters have no concept of the value of knowledge.  To haters,
such spending is a waste.  For like-minded entrepreneurs, if we can
learn a single speck of knowledge that can help us improve, it is

4. You cannot change haters, Alex!  Only God can change the hearts
of haters.  You could waste time and effort explaining and offering
logical reasoning.  But you will be doing just that - wasting your time. 
Haters will NEVER humble themselves to admitting they are wrong or
maybe, just maybe, there is a better way and they don't know all the
facts or answers.

Move away from the haters and gravitate towards those with whom you
wish to emulate.  You become where you invest your mind, heart, time,
effort and money!  Show me a successful person and I will show you
someone surrounded by positive energy and success.  Show me a
hater and I will show you a world full of misery and distress. 

I know I am long-winded on the topic of haters.  But you have to
understand, Alex, haters you will have with you always.  And the
greater your level of success, the greater the volume of venomous
jealousy of your haters.  Do not be distracted by such ticks and
detractors.  They will always remain on the fringes while you achieve
greater and higher levels of success.

You have to separate yourself from haters for the longer you entertain
their perversion the longer it will hold you back from achieving your
true calling.

Again, I applaud you for having a "greater purpose."  This is your
internal desire for growth, personal achievement, and evolution.  Rather
than be concerned that you are "only 24," embrace it!  It is awesome
that you are so young and have a burning desire for more, to do more,
to achieve and accomplish more.

Where other people your age are still interested in fruitless endeavors,
you're desirous of a unique and much more beneficial journey.  Trust
me, being an entrepreneur is NOT always easy.  In fact, especially in 
the beginning, it is very challenging.  But for this very reason, I
encourage you to immerse yourself in the knowledge and education!

You will make mistakes!  But by learning from others, valuing other
people's experiences, you can immeasurably increase your chances
for success while reducing your risk of failure.

As I always say, a smart man learns from his own mistakes.  But a
truly wise man learns from the mistakes of others.  Why - because
it's a whole lot easier and more cost effective.

It would be easy for me to tell you jump right in and start your own
business.  But I won't do that.  Rather, I would encourage you to
follow your own desire and disregard the tripe of haters.  

The fact of the matter is, there are many of us that just have
entrepreneurialism in our DNA.  We are just born with a sense of
purpose to follow our own path.  If you do have this DNA within, then
you might as well accept the fact that if not now, someday you will
start your own business!

My ultimate advice, Alex, pursue your own path to freedom and

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group