Subject: I'm Desperate, How 'bout You?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hello again, Friend. Just since notifying all of you that I'll be including FREE contract information with your purchase of the Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series I have received a flood of emails. And as always, I thank everyone for their emails and positive feedback. I'm glad to be able to help so many of you.

As can be expected, sometimes I also receive negative feedback. And today is one such day. Typically, when one person is voicing a concern there are others that possibly share similar sentiments. So in such and event, I would like to share with you one such email. To clarify any concerns or misconceptions that you too might have, Friend, I would like for you to hear some pearls of wisdom from Steve.

"And if this manual is published by the "actual hospital" then it is available to anyone who seeks to be a vendor to the hospital. This does not feel exclusive to me. Furthermore, service contracts in general, tend to be worthless. I am sure you want to sell your "program." I am not so sure about your fidelity to the hard cold facts of the transportation business."

- Steve Aberger

Thanks Steve. I appreciate your feedback. It sounds like you have a great deal of first hand experience in working with hospitals and this industry in particular!

Regardless, in the event that you're having similar thoughts to that of Steve, I would like to offer some clarification.

1. "And if this manual is published by the "actual hospital" then it is available to anyone who seeks to be a vendor to the hospital."

Actually no, the enclosed "Safety Manual for Transportation Contractors/Vendors" that I'm enclosing with the DVD Series is NOT distributed to just "anyone" - at least that's not how the hospitals in my area work! You don't just walk into a hospital and ask for such publications and assume that the hospital is under obligation to give you such information. So just because the hospital produces specific material certainly doesn't make it a public resource!

2. "This does not feel exclusive to me."

I'm sorry I let Steve down. He doesn't feel exclusive. I'm no psychiatrist, but it sounds like confidence related issues.

Regardless, in my opinion, if you can't get this resource anywhere, then I think there's a high degree of exclusivity. Ironically enough, I was not granted access to this publication until I was actually in the process of submitting a bid. So in my opinion, if I'm giving it to all of you without have to submit a bid, then I think that it's very much an exclusive opportunity.

3. "Furthermore, service contracts in general, tend to be worthless."

Again, I guess things just work a little bit different where I come from as compared to that of Steve!

Ironically enough, the contract that you're going to get copies of is NOT a "general" service contract.   Twenty one pages - that doesn't sound so "general!"  So it's definitely NOT "worthless!" To the contrary, the 21 page contract that you're going to gain access to is very much specific. Why - because it makes my company the PRIMARY transportation provider for not one, but TWO area hospitals. Further, this contract translates into over $200,000 in annual revenue for my company. So to me, it's definitely NOT "worthless!"

And, oh by the way, Steve has never seen copies of this contract. But he's reached some pretty profound conclusions!

4. "I am sure you want to sell your "program."

LOL! Very profound, Steve - very profound. Friend, If you have any reservations about investing into my ecourse, my software, my DVD Series, or anything that I have or will promote in the future then I absolutely encourage you to avoid me like the plague.

Let it be known, crystal clear, to all whom read these emails, my information is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme, this opportunity is NOT for everyone, and if you have any reservations about investing in my material just move on!! Seriously, if you have any reservation or think that my products or this Million Dollar Opportunity is a bunch of crap and/or I'm just desperate to sell some "program," just move on! If I kept track of how many people I have turned away from this opportunity I think we would all be amazed. Why do I turn some people away - because this opportunity IS legit. It's NOT a get-rich-quick scheme and it certainly isn't for everyone.

Regardless, the last thing I am is desperate. In fact, I'm far from desperate! I'm making money in a variety of ways regardless of my ecourse and associated online materials.

For those of you whom have invested in this Million Dollar opportunity, I'm going to continue to help you in any way possible. But if you're a hater, just forget about me as I will you. Trust me. I'm definitely not desperate to get your money or Steve's money! If this just isn't for you, just move on!

5. "I am not so sure about your fidelity to the hard cold facts of the transportation business."

Let it be no surprise, Steve has NOT invested in my ecourse, "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company," attended one of my Million Dollar Seminars, or even purchased the Seminar DVD Series. Yet Steve is just "not sure" about my "fidelity to the hard cold facts of the transportation business?!" Can anyone say "hater?"

I asked Steve if he's so concerned that my information is such crap and that I'm so desperate to sell my "program," why is he a subscriber to my newsletter? Obviously he already knows far more than me. So why is he wasting his time with a little novice like me?

Needless to say, Steve didn't like my question and response. He damaged my ego by telling me that I'm pompous!
Now on the flip side of Steve's pearls of wisdom, I want to share with you a 180 degree different perspective from some who's NOT a hater. Rather, this person, as you'll read for yourself, is a DOER!

"Hey Joel!

I hope to find you doing well in your many, many endeavors. This is SheRonn Hooks, C.E.O of A Round Trip Medical Transport LLC. I know you haven't heard from me in a long time but I have been building the foundation of my company and I just wanted you to know that I am still working hard to make this thing as big as I can. Your emails are not in vain they keep me very encouraged. It has taken me awhile to get everything taken care of because I didn't want any loans or anything and I've been using my own money. Also I've been driving for a nursing home part time gaining relationships and contacts through them that I've been using for my own company. In my state of Indiana there is a 30 day waiting period for your Medicaid provider number and I am in the process of that now.

To make A long story short I believe I have built a solid foundation for my company. I have many contacts lined up to contact after I am able to accept Medicaid but for now all of my clients are private pay. I even have a contract with a rehab facility to get all of there private pay residents which is working out well because even with Medicaid I think you still need a balance of private pay clients.

I kick myself for every seminar I've missed and every deal you come up with that I haven't been able to afford and that's simply because so far everything I've been making has been going right back into the business and to regular my bills but keep in mind I've only been working for myself on Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Saturdays so if I'm able to pay my bills, Insurance, gas and maintenance of my vehicle with only private pay clients and working 2 -3 days a week just imagine when I can accept Medicaid and am working for myself 5-6 days a week I'LL BE DOING WELL!!!!

I guess I said all of that to say Thanks Joel! I really appreciate all of the information that you provide in your emails and your ebook it has helped me a lot and basically my life has already changed and I'm just at the very beginning stages. So many people are proud of me and willing to help and refer me because they see me helping myself and making a effort to do something positive and I don't think I would have done it without your help so THANK YOU THANK YOU AND THANK YOU AGAIN! AND I'll see you at the TOP.

SheRonn Hooks
A Round Trip Medical Transport

PS: I am not letting that DVD deal pass me by I will be getting a set of those with the contract. That is HUGE! I don't know if people can even fathom how big of a opportunity that is unless they are already out here in the field making contacts I can't wait to get it that will make things a lot easier."

Now I ask you Friend, with whom do you relate to more? Are you a Steve? Or are you like SheRonn, a doer, someone who is motivated and actively involved in improving her life day in and day out?

I'll tell you this. Life is short. And it only gets shorter! You're either going to make choices and make moves like I did years ago and SheRonn is doing now, or you're going to be in the same situation three, five, and ten years as you are now. Only you can make the difference in your life.

I know where I'm going to be three, five, and ten years from now (probably still desperate in Steve's eyes!).  I'd even be willing to bet where SheRonn is going to be. But do you know where you're going to be?

I'm definitely NOT desperate. But guess what. In 1999, when I was starting my business, I sure as heck was desperate! I was desperate to be successful. I started with one vehicle operating out of my mother's living room. Today, my mother's living in a nice fat house that I bought her. Today, I take my mother to Italy and travel the world at my convenience and on my terms. What about you?

I was desperate once upon a time - desperate to be successful.  And because of dedicated action and God's blessing, I am successful and I wish for all of you to duplicate my success!

In my opinion, Friend, I think you should choose to be like SheRonn, a doer. Because in the long run, you're destined for success!

See you at the Top with SheRonn!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477

PS: I'm desperate! Just as Steve. Please, buy my DVD Series!

PSS: Just kidding, I'm really not desperate! But if you're serious about investing in this Million Dollar Opportunity, then I encourage you to visit us at and get your hands on my DVD Series. Or you can call my office and ask to speak with Kathy or Trish at (607) 797-1477. Remember, when you do you're going to get a FREE copy of my largest contract and information published by the hospitals with which I maintain this contract.

PSSS: Sorry for the lengthy email. But it was fun!