Subject: If this doesn't convince you!?

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community - especially those of you that are too scared to "pull the trigger" and take action!

I recently sent out an email sharing with you an email blasting me as a fake, phony, fraud, etc. I have received a flood of positive emails regarding this prior email. In the event you don't recall or did not receive that message, I will share it with you now:

Mr. Davis,

Please delete me from your mailing list ASAP. You're nothing but a scammer out to take people's money. You charge people $100 for an ebook and then expect us to pay $10 a month for frequently asked questions?! You're ridiculous. Who's to say your testimonials aren't made up or just friends of yours? You're ridiculous. Remove my name now."

Jennifer Hamp

I would like to thank all of you for your kind messages. I appreciate them more than you know. To those of you that appreciate my messages, I am happy to be of assistance.

And I would like to share with you one message in particular. I feature this message in particular because it is a clear indication of the possibilities of this industry, my ecourse, and This message says it all - far better than I ever could.

The following message is from Danny Hester with Tropical Transportation in Florida:

Dear Joel:

"I read the article "I got Blasted" and I just had to respond. Some people just don't understand the value of mentorship. I have paid as much as $80.00 for a book that I wanted to glean the information from it. While it had taken the author 25 years of his life, I have the availability of the same information for a very small price.

I've been in the medical for 16 years, always working for someone else. Our company closed unexpectedly and several of our vendors stated that I should start my own business, which I did. I ran across your web site and I purchased your million dollar transportation information at a steal for only $97.00 dollars.

After being in the business for 16 years I still learned some valuable knowledge about this business. My third month in the business I had generated over $20,000.00 dollars in sales. During the month of April, my sixth month I generated over $20,000.00 in sales again. I wonder what part of your information that I learned that helped propel me in my new business, for only $97.00 - the cost of one or two rides.

Just trying to remove the blow to your ego,"
Danny Hester,
Tropical Transportation, LLC
West Palm Beach, Florida

Dan, I can't thank you enough for your kind words and support. If my information and experiences, both good and bad, have been even a small influence in your growing success, then I am honored and overjoyed.

To everyone sitting on the fence, maybe too scared or too cheap to invest in my resources, I simply ask you how long are you going to stay there?

In a matter of months Dan is generating $20,000 in monthly revenue and growing. Now be honest with yourself, would you like to duplicate Dan's success?

If you want to stay on the fence, that's fine. It's probably a safe place. But if you're craving for change, improvement, wealth and independence, then at some point in time you're going to have to take action.

Again, I can't say it any better than Dan. His growing success and kind words are the best endorsement for my resources and this Million Dollar opportunity.

If you'd ready to invest in this Million Dollar Opportunity, then visit us at and invest in the ecourse.

If you're ready to discover further insider secrets and strategies and learn how to position your business to get contracts and long-term growth, then it's time to invest in

And if you'd like to meet, network, and learn from other business owners in this industry as well as ask me specific questions, then join my new rapidly growing network,

Time is going to continue to pass. But, you're either going to take action and leverage time or time is going to pass you by and leverage you. The choice is ALWAYS yours!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477

PS: is growing daily! There are some great questions and answers being posted that I guarantee are going to help you. Further, members are already starting to contact and network with each other! Join now at while it's ONLY $9.95 per month!  And, all MDTVIP members will get a HUGE savings on both the Million Dollar Seminar and Dispatching Made Easy!  Call Kathy or Trish for details at (607) 797-1477.