Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello and warm greetings to all of you in the Million Dollar Community.  I hope that you all enjoyed Christmas and the holiday season.

It's been a few weeks since my last correspondence with all of you, but it does seem like much longer.  I've been doing a bit of travel and vacationing and have been enjoying myself.  Regardless, it's now officially 2007 and I do hope that this message finds you and all of yours doing well. 

So now that it's a new year, what's your plan?  What's your plan to improve you, improve your financial position, and to transform you into a successful and prosperous entrepreneur?

Do you really have a plan?  If not, what's your plan to get a plan?! 

Ultimately, only you can answer such questions.  But, if you'd like to duplicate my success and build your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company, a business that can give you great wealth and flexibility, then I'm here to tell you that on February 3rd I will be hosting my one and ONLY Million Dollar Seminar in 2007. 

Why - because I can!  Seriously, that's the reason - because I can! 

I already have much of 2007 planned which includes a great deal of traveling.  Honestly, I simply have too many trips and other projects planned that I do not have time to prepare for and host another Million Dollar Seminar in 2007. 

I'll be going to Ireland for two weeks right after the Seminar, later to Alaska, my annual three week trip to Italy, a few to Vegas and more. 

So here's the deal, if you're serious, and I do mean serious, about building your own Million Dollar business, then you better reserve your seat by visiting us at  But if you're serious about moving forward then you better do so sooner rather than later.  This is the ONLY Million Dollar Seminar of 2007 so seating will be at a premium.

And I do say serious for a reason.  Let me take a minute to be just blatantly honest.  If you're not 174% serious about moving forward with this Million Dollar opportunity, then don't waste your time and my time!  I know that sounds mean, but it's just true.  Don't waste your time or my time. 

I have much to do as do many of you I'm sure.  And if you're not serious about moving forward and building your Million Dollar business then I encourage you to keep your job or invest in something else.    

I can't tell you how many emails I get everyday.  I get so many great emails from so many of you that I can't even tell you how much I appreciate them. 

But as we draw closer to the date of the Seminar I will get more and more people emailing me with requests for discounts, deals, proposals, and more.  I even get some from people telling me that the cost of the Seminar is too much, blah, blah, blah, blah.  Well, if you're one of those people, just keep your money in your pocket and sit home on the 3rd.  Please don't waste your time and mine by emailing me. 

I can't stress this to you enough.  I will be doing a great deal of traveling this year and have a number of projects that I will be working on.  So my available time will be at a premium.  If you're not 174% serious about moving forward, then please forget my email address and just pass on this opportunity. 

Again, I know it sounds mean, and you're thinking "Joel, I can't believe you would say such rude things.  That's no way to start out 2007!"  But seriously, I really have to begin to filter out and focus my time on those of you that are serious about becoming a Million Dollar entrepreneur. 

There will be many new things coming out in 2007 that I think those of you whom are serous about building your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company are going to enjoy and appreciate.  But again, it's only for those of you that are serious.

Well, enough of my ranting.  Hopefully you've gotten my message.  It's 2007 and its most definitely GO TIME!  If you're ready, then I'm ready.  Let's roll!

If you'd like to move forward and duplicate my success, then visit us now at and reserve your seat at February 3rd's Million Dollar Seminar while there's still availability.

Remember, this is literally my ONLY Seminar in 2007 and it's literally ONLY four weeks away!  So it is coming up quick.  If you miss out you miss out for at least a year or more.  Don't email me or call me crying because you missed out.  Everyone has had plenty of warning.  February 3rd is it for 2007.  Get in while there's still room.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at my office at (607) 797-1477.  Best wishes & Good luck!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis