Subject: IMPORTANT Information - Open!

Million Dollar Medical Transportation

Hi Friend,

I'm enclosing two videos.  The first one is very short, yet very
important!  It's a shotgun blast of information that you definitely don't
want to miss out on!

Click Here to watch Video One

For those of you serious about joining me "At the Top," make sure
you watch this video and take immediate action!

The second video is a replay.  I sent this out a few days ago and
receive a great deal of positive response and appreciation. 

However, there were a few of you that indicated that you could not
properly access the video so I'm sending it again. 

Click Here to watch Video Two

As I mentioned in previous correspondence, this IS going to be a
great year for many of us!  If you want to join us, then let's roll.  If
you wish to stay where you are, then keep doing what you're doing!

If nothing changes, nothing changes!

Go Time!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

Learning from someone whose never done it themselves is like
following a blind man in the dark!

PS: If you want to be one of the first ten people to take action and
party at my house for a "meeting of the minds," then Click Here
now to reserve your seat!