Subject: I would like to share this with you...

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  I hope that you all had
a wonderful Christmas with friends and family!

I would like to start by thanking so many of you who sent me such kind and welcoming
Christmas greetings!  All of your thoughts and well wishes are very much appreciated.

Well, now that another Christmas is in the history books it's time to turn our attention to the
rapidly approaching New Year!  It's literally days away and the question is, what have you
done to increase your success in the 2012?

Now trust me, I'm not talking about nonsensical New Years Resolutions.  Rather, I'm referring
to real strategies and solutions that are going to further propel you to success in what
continues to be a troubling economy.

I can tell you with all certainty that I have long since prepared strategies and plans that I will
be pursuing in 2012.  Can you say the same?

If you haven't planned for new success in the new year then you certainly can't expect different

I want to share with you an awesome letter that I received today when I returned to New York. 
Talk about a welcome home gift, I can't tell you how much I appreciated receiving this letter of
appreciation from Mark Howell.

I've been working with Mark and his wife Christine for about six months.  Rather than me tell
you about our progress, I will stop babbling and let you listen to Mark directly as follows:

Mark Howell Letter of Endorsement to Joel Davis

We're in the final days of 2011.  If you're ready for change and would like to work One-on-One in
the new year then I encourage you to act now.  Because I can only work with limited number of
people at time, please understand that this is a first-come first-serve basis.

And when you do enlist my help, my staff and I are going to send you over $1,000 worth of
FREE stuff to help get you started right now!

If You're Serious About A Fast Start in 2012 Click Here Now

I look forward to working with you and hearing of your success in 2012!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

PS: I have some stuff coming out very soon that many, many of your are going to love!  It's
literally been in the works for a very long time and is nearing completion.  It's a huge
opportunity so keep checking your email for details.