Subject: I got BLASTED!!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation community. I hope this message finds all of you doing well and that business is booming!

As always, I would like to thank all of you sending me your kind and generous words and well wishes. I'm always happy to hear from you and learn of your growing success.

Well, I just experienced another blow to my ego! I got blasted by someone obviously much smarter than me. It just goes to show I can't "pull the wool over everyone's eyes." So in the event you're having similar sentiments, I thought it appropriate to share my experience and thoughts.

"Mr. Davis,

Please delete me from your mailing list ASAP. You're nothing but a scammer out to take people's money. You charge people $100 for an ebook and then expect us to pay $10 a month for frequently asked questions?! You're ridiculous. Who's to say your testimonials aren't made up or just friends of yours? You're ridiculous. Remove my name now.

Jennifer Hamp"

Well, thank you for your honest opinion, Jennifer. Next time, don't hold back! Tell me how you really feel and what you think about this opportunity!

Everyone, if you're wishing to be deleted from the Million Dollar Newsletter, just scroll to the bottom of any of my emails and click "unsubscribe." It's just that easy. You don't even have to bother wasting your time drafting me such a "kind" and honest email! You can unsubscribe on your own.

Also, as we all know, most people want something for nothing. Many expect to have everything handed to them free of charge. But unfortunately for those with such a gimme-mentality, I have to tell you that my time is of great value to me. Thus, if you wish to leverage my time, experience, information, ask questions and more, then you will have to investment at least a little money. And if $97.95 is too much for my ecourse, then PLEASE MOVE ON! If a subscription to is too steep, then feel free to pass by.

Further, $9.95 per month is not for access to "frequently asked questions." Rather, it is an investment in - a networking and educational opportunity.

MDTVIP is not some randomly chosen FAQ's. Rather, it is a site that allows you to learn from others and their questions, to ask me specific industry related questions, and to advertise, meet, greet, and network with other business owners. So it is far more than some FAQ's! And again, if $9.95 is too steep of an investment for you then I encourage you to simply pass it by. I will not be offended.

Everyone, I enjoy the opportunity to meet, work with, and help so many of you. I can't tell you how rewarding it is for me knowing that many of you joining I've helped from the very beginning of your business. I can't tell you how rewarding it is to receive emails and updates of your success.

But the following is a very important concept that I strongly encourage everyone to learn, understand, and use everyday as you build your business.

Regardless of where you are right now mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially, if you want to be successful you absolutely have to focus your entire efforts on what you want, NOT on what you don't want! Do not waste your efforts focusing on what you don't want.

IE: If you want to be rich - focus on making money! Don't focus on being broke! Focus on how you can generate more ideas, more business and more revenue. Focus on expanding your entrepreneurial education and opportunities. Don't waste your time focusing on how much it stinks being broke!

If you want big bank accounts, focus on investing your money - not saving money! Focus your efforts and creating a bountiful financial harvest. Do NOT focus on saving leftovers! Saving scraps is a fool's game. You can never reap a bountiful harvest if you're just working to accumulate scraps. At the end of the day, a pile of scraps is still scraps!

You're either going to look at $97.95 as an investment in your financial future or as an expense. You're either going to look at $9.95 a month as an investment in your entrepreneurial education or as an expense. But the choice is yours!

If you'd rather hold onto your ten dollars a month, then do so! Keep it in your wallet, put it in your bank, polish it, dust it, do whatever you want with it. But don't ever expect that $10 to yield a bountiful harvest if you're not willing to INVEST it.

I am not nor ever will ask anyone to spend money on my information. Rather, I encourage you to invest it. If you're not 100% sure of this industry, this business, this opportunity, then I absolutely encourage you to pass of this Million Dollar Opportunity.

Obviously, I'm not a very good salesman. I'm not trying to sell something to everyone. But honestly, reason why is because I'm not desperate! This opportunity is not for everyone - especially those whom wish to accumulate scraps.

So to all of you, decide what you're focusing on. Are you focusing on creating a bountiful financial harvest? Or are you focusing on saving a pile of scraps?

Everyday is a series of choices - from the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head. How you manage and translate your choices into success is up to you and you alone.

If you think that investing in this Million Dollar Opportunity is a good choice for you, then please feel free to invest. I look forward to working with you. If you think otherwise, just pass it by!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477

PS: I will leave you with some thoughts from people whom are choosing to invest in a bountiful harvest so that we don't have to dwell on the thoughts of the previous email message.

"I really appreciate you responding back to my questions. I also appreciate that you have taken the time out to create the information for many of us in this type of business. Also, I am pleased that you have put together a DVD for the people who were not able to fly down personally to your seminar like myself. It has been tough for us these couple of years and I now look forward into investing into your DVD series to see what have we've been missing. I am always eager to learn new ideas and techniques. I wish I've could have heard about you 3 years ago before we actually got started into this business. Just to get people to share with you ideas regarding this type of business is a no winner situation because a lot of people do not want to assist you at all. Because they are afraid to share advice!

I'm pretty sure that a lot of your negative commentators look at you as another person trying to sell someone some junk and make big profits along the line. I've learned throughout the years that sometimes you may have to pay a little just to learn something but along as it is beneficial to that individual.

So once again, I say thanks to you stepping out and sharing with the world your success and may God continue to bless you because information is vital and God would continue to bless you more."

Rachel Bobo

Hello Joel,

"I thank God for you! I'm excited that I stumbled on your web site! I was actually looking for something else and when I saw your site, I couldn't believe that you would offer this type of assistance....It just blows me away, because my personal vision is to be a missionary and I've been managing a medical equipment company for years, however I always had a dream to start my own business in medical transportation.

It's now that I feel I'm ready...and I've been doing my homework, working on my biz plan etc. so to find your ecourse and everything else you have to offer...its timely...I can't wait to meet you!

In time this will allow me to fulfill my God given destiny as a missionary and be a blessing to others (bridge the gap), just as you have done by providing this ecourse etc...

I truly believe that money follows vision...and opportunities will present it's important that we position ourselves for prosperity, that we could be a blessing for others.

I view money as a seed...when you sow it in good ground it will reap a harvest...the blessing is in your given...and your reward is everlasting.

My quote today is: Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge. Proverbs 23:12

Well Joel again I thank you! And I can't wait to get started. I will be purchasing the ecourse and software very soon and I'm definitely interested in the three day one on one."

Edwin Rodriguez