Subject: Happy New Year! Go Time!

Million Dollar Newsletter

Hi Friend,

I want to take a quick moment to wish you a sincere Happy New Year! 
I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and that you're ready for an
outstanding 2011.

You have to marvel at how fast time flies.  In fact, it really feels like the
older your get the quicker time moves!  And if you're at all like me it
motivates you to want to maximize all of your time and all of your

Seriously, do you remember 11 years ago when everyone was crying
that the world was going to come to an end during the whole Y2K
scare?  To me, that seems almost like yesterday!

Anyways, before I go to far off rambling again I just wanted to touch
base with you, wish you a Happy New Year, and encourage you to
"strap it up and strap it on" because it's Go Time!

As always, my goal is to make this year better than the next.  And
Friend,  I hope that you share these same sentiments!  If we're
not striving for contact improvement, then really, what is the point of
anything we just exist?!  I don't think so!

So, whatever it is that you aspire to do and accomplish this year, I
hope that you do it full speed and a million miles an hour!  Why?
Because literally, time is running out!

It doesn't matter who we are, where we are, who we're with, how much
we have, or any other factors, the same holds true for us all - TIME is
limited and it can never be regained once it has passed!

So, Friend, if you're a member of our MDT Family, then get up
and get going!  It's Go Time and we have much to do!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

PS: If you share my vision for the UMTPG but haven't yet joined, I
encourage you to do so ASAP as membership rates will be
increasing soon.  And keep checking your emails as more
information will be coming soon.

PSS: If you've sent me an email over the last few days and haven't
yet received a response, please forgive me!  I have a ton of emails
that I will definitely respond to as soon as I get back to NY.  I'm still
down in Texas and as the saying goes, "everything is bigger in
Texas" to include my appetite and my busy schedule.

Learning from someone who has never done it themselves is like
following a blind man in the dark!