Subject: Hands-on-training

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

As always, I send you the warmest of greetings and hope that all of your personal and business endeavors are booming!

Many people have been contacting me asking additional questions about the hands-on-training that the attendees will experience in our upcoming June 3rd Million Dollar Seminar in Binghamton, New York. So, I'm contacting you with some additional info in case you have similar thoughts and questions.

I will have at least two of our ambulettes at the Million Dollar Seminar. Both vehicles will be stretcher and wheelchair accessible. These vehicles will also have side mounted power lifts.

Depending on how busy our schedule is this particular weekend and the size and demand of our attendees I may make arrangements for one or two more vehicles to be present with some of my drivers to assist with training.

As I will continue to explain, there are a variety of reasons why this hands-on- training will be very important to you as you start your business.

But first, let me tell you that this hands-on-training is an absolutely great opportunity for you as you start your new business.

Needless to say, I had no one teaching me. And, if you had many of hours of spare time I could fill your ear with plenty of funny stories of just what a goof ball I was when I was starting out.

I did many things right, hence the reason I am still in business and continuing to grow and prosper. But I also did many things that were naive, borderline stupid, and quite a bit audacious. But in the end, I was going it alone having to figure everything out on the fly as I went along. So now, all those experiences just make for good stories.

As one of my sisters once said, the best thing about Joel "is what he doesn't know." She explains that a more experienced or more calculated person would never tackle some of the challenges that I'm willing to conquer. Why – because they're simply too cautious to jump in whereas I'm willing to dive right in!

The first thing about this hands-on-training is that it will allow many of you to get your fist look at the layout of some of these vehicles. Some of the vehicles that we employ are both stretcher and wheelchair accessible and others are just wheelchair accessible.

Many people have asked questions about the need for being able to transport people via stretchers. If you're starting with just one vehicle, you probably don't need to have a vehicle that is stretcher accessible. You can, but it's not critical. But as you grow, you definitely want to be stretcher capable.

First, being stretcher capable demands a greater fee.

For example, my company charges $10 more for a stretcher during regular business hours as compared to wheelchairs. And as you probably guessed, both of these fees increase respectively another $10-20 after regular business hours depending on the time of night.

The next reason why you want to have some vehicles that are stretcher capable is because it will give you exposure to more customers, more facilities, and more opportunities.

For examples, we have a number of dialysis patients that have to use our service three to four times a week. So, that's obviously a money-making opportunity that I intend to take advantage of!

Also, we get many stretcher discharges out of hospitals traveling to private homes and nursing facilities.

My company has a contract with two of the three hospitals in our local area. If we weren't stretcher capable there is absolutely no way this contract would have been feasible.

So although you may not be starting out being stretcher accessible, you will definitely want to transition into such capabilities. And that's why it is important that you attend the Million Dollar Seminar. Warren, my Director of Operations, and I are going to personally give you hands-on-training on how to properly operate stretchers.

We train each of our drivers to be as competent and capable as possible so that they do not have to rely on the help of others when they are out in the field. We train each of our drivers how to load and unload a stretcher with limited help so that (1) we do not have to rely on the help of someone in a facility that is inexperienced, (2) the patient is safely transferred and transported without pain or discomfort, and (3) we are as efficient and effective as possible.

Remember, time is money and money is time. You have to know what you're doing so that you maximize time. When you maximize time you're maximizing profits!

Every hospital and nursing facility is shorthanded. Therefore, if you have to rely on a hospital or nursing staff member to help you operate your stretcher you (1) can expose yourself to liability issues because staff members are not experience and trained in how to operate collapsible stretchers, and (2) can be delayed when you have to wait for assistance from an already shorthanded facility staff.

Warren and I are going to personally show you how to perform the following:

1. Store and prepare your stretcher while not in use
2. Unload and prepare your stretcher when you arrive at a facility to transport a patient
3. Position your stretcher for easy transport throughout facilities
4. Position the stretcher next to a patients bed so as to properly transfer a patient onto the stretcher with as little discomfort as possible
5. Properly secure a patient on a stretcher
6. Load and unload a patient on a stretcher

What is important to know about stretchers is that they are far more intimidating in appearance than they are in operation – as long as you know what you're doing! And needless to say, Warren and I will make you're a stretcher expert!

Personally, I prefer to perform stretcher transports more so than wheelchair transports. Why – because once you know what you're doing a stretcher transport can be faster and easier than performing wheelchair transports. Most people wouldn't think so, but again, once you know what you're doing performing stretcher transports are really very easy and efficient.

By attending the Million Dollar Seminar you will also get to see our locking systems. You will see how we secure wheelchairs and stretcher inside the vehicles. You will also be able to use our power lifts to learn how to properly and safely transfer patients into and out of the vehicles.

To build your medical transportation company into a million dollar business being stretcher accessible is an absolute must. And once you know how to properly perform stretcher transports you can begin to train your staff. As your proficiency and efficiency increases so will that of your business!

Again, we're going to have at least two vehicles at the seminar for training purposes. If it is necessary and feasible we will have more.

If you're like me, starting with no prior experience in this industry, then I can honestly tell you that this hands-on-training is a tremendous opportunity for you. I had no one showing me or teaching me. Instead, not by choice, I had to learn the hard way. But you, you have the pleasure to learn from us!

When you attend the Million Dollar Seminar it's going to be a great head start - like going to the front of the line. You're going to discover many new ideas, strategies, and essential information from Kathy, my Office Manager, Warren, my Director of Operations, from one of my accountants, and me.

And don't forget, once you have made your travel arrangements let us know. If you're planning on flying into either the Broome County Airport or the Syracuse Airport we will ensure that you are promptly transported to and from the hotel the day before and after the seminar. Feel free to contact Kathy directly at She will ensure that necessary airport transportation arrangements have been arranged for you.

So, we have much to do. Let's get down to the business of making money. More specifically, let's get down to the business of "Building Wealth by Serving he Needs of Your Community!"

Visit us at and reserve your seat today. I can assure you that this will be one of your best investments.

I look forward to working with and meeting you soon.

See you on June 3rd,
Joel E. Davis

PS: For additional information on this Million Dollar Opportunity, visit us at See you soon!