Subject: Great Success Story

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello everyone! I hope this message finds you well, in good health, with business booming! I hope business is booming for you as well as it is for one of our MDTVIP members, Carlos Banks.

You might remember Carlos from previous emails. After a long career with UPS, Carlos left his "safe and secure job" nine months ago to pursue dreams of entrepreneurship. Needless to say, he's definitely on the fast track!

Within nine months he's generated in excess of $130,000 in revenue working predominately by himself. Now, he's already negotiated his first successful contract and now working on another.

I encourage you to read Carlos' message of growing success. I can't compliment and congratulate him enough. Carlos has invested in and exhaustively studied the Million Dollar ecourse, the Million Dollar Seminar, DME, and now MDTVIP. And now Carlos is literally getting out there and doing it! He's using the information and strategies to "take life by the horns." And with continued hard work, due diligence and good fortune, Carlos is going to continue his rapid path to success.

If I can do it - you can do it!

If Carlos can do it - you can do it!

As I'm sure Carlos will agree, Life's Short - Live Free!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

PS: Carlos and his business, The Wheelchair Taxi, are listed in our Business Network. If you have any reservations to whether this Million Dollar information is legit and really works, he insists that you contact him directly! Thanks, Carlos.

PSS: I encourage all of you to share your growing success stories. Send them to me and I'll share them with the entire Million Dollar Transportation Community. It's a great opportunity to help inspire others that are following in our foot steps. And as I mentioned in a previous email, we should all "Aspire to inspire before we expire (unknown)."

Hey Joel,

Thanks for taking time out to talk to me the other day. I have some good news and even some better news.

I came to an agreement with the nursing home I was talking to u about last week. I took a look at their appointment book and counted the number of transports they had on a daily basis and also on a weekly basis. Some weeks they have a total of 5 transports per week and then other weeks they may have a total of
12. All within a 3 mile radius of their facility.

They offered me a 26,000 dollar a yr contract or roughly a guaranteed $500.00 dollars week whether I transport or not, but more or less to be somewhat available. I agreed on a 6 month term to see if I would be on the losing end of things and if so we would renegotiate or terminate the contract.

Now for the even better news. I had been transporting a patient for Medicaid transportation until they had to place her in a short term rehab facility. I stopped by to pay her a visit because she called for me to come by to see her, so without hesitation I did so.

After my brief visit, on my way out I stopped by the reception desk to inform them of an appointment she had for the upcoming week. I began to converse with the receptionist and thru the conversation, I told her I own my own transport company. She told me they were using this other company and they hated a monopoly. She told me to come by and make an appointment with the administrator who also happens to own this HUGE nursing facility.

Well I did so yesterday. His assistant told me if the price was right I could have ALL of the business. I explained to her that I was a small business and probably couldn't handle ALL their transports at this time but if they were willing to let me in, we could grow together. She said she's always looking for a better deal than their getting. She told me how much she was paying the other company for transports and she wants me to beat them and I can have as much business as I want.

This is simply unbelievable! Just thought I'd let you into my soon to be successful world!

Thanks for all your insight and an encouragement.
