Subject: Great Questions!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello everyone! I'm pleased to say that we continue to get some really good questions of We now have subscribers in 39 different states ranging from FL to NY to IL to WA to CA to TX and plenty in between!

I encourage you to review just a sample of some of the many great questions that we continue to receive everyday. I guarantee that some of these many great questions are thoughts and questions that you've already had. So if you haven't joined us yet, what are you waiting for?

Our Business Network and our Q&A's continue to grow. If you're ready to network and learn from other like-minded entrepreneurs then visit us now at

Also, even if you're not yet incorporated you can still join VIP. To be listed on the Business Network you do have to have a business name and address. But if you don't it certainly doesn't mean that you can't learn from the thoughts, questions, and answers listed on our database.

Why be average when you can be VIP?

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477


I went out today and made 10 stops. The most asked question is, "What are your rates?" I had some positive responses, asking for additional fliers for clients. These were the physical therapy places. You really have to "step outside of your comfort zone" to try and present your business to some people who's attitude sometimes feels like "they are to busy to hear what you have to say."

Any words of wisdom "Coach?"


We plan to visit, as I said before a number of different facilities to introduce our business. I will be equipped with freshly printed fliers, and business cards. What kind of approach do you recommend? Do you shoot straight for the administrators or receptionist? Give me some ideas on how you approach new facilities for business.


I was reading an article the other day in a newspaper about a successful medical transporter in a neighboring state and he talked about having 27 "independent drivers" who were paid "on a commission basis." The article did not elaborate any further, but it got me to thinking about what different types of pay structures are out there in order to compensate our drivers once we start expanding. Could you elaborate on this issue and/or explain how this individual might "set-up" and then pay on a "commission basis"??


Hello Joel, this is Carlos from NC. I have a question for you. When I first bought your e-course about 1yr ago you mentioned about getting a Medicaid Provider Number. I've been contracting with DSS in my area for the last year and never used one. We just billed them at the end of the week and get paid the following. My question to you is what is the importance of having a provider number and is it different in every state?


We have our van lettered now with our phone number, email and website on it. (pictures to follow). We have brochures that are at the printer, and business cards. Monday we start our marketing/ prospecting for new business.

My first stop is going to be the county senior center, a local regional hospital, and an organization locally that deals with senior services. Beyond that we plan to introduce ourselves door to door at assisted living facilities, nursing homes, retirement communities etc.

I'm going to go back over the info in "How to Build..." but do you have any advice, words of wisdom, strategies etc that might helps us get off to a quick start?


If my office staff needs help understanding the business flow of DME, and some other of the finer details, can they contact Kathy by phone? They went through the tutorial, and still seemed to have some questions. Are there any updates since we bought it Sept 2006?


We have determined that the vast majority of our competitors have their offices opened from 7am-6pm. Our hours will be similar.

Here is the question: What do you do after hours? Do you forward your phones to a cell# and go ahead and takes calls when ever they come in, or just let them go to voice mail, and pick them up later??

As a new business, I just do not want to miss a dime, but would I be setting myself up for a major headache if I have phones forwarded to me after the office is closed. (I will not have quick access to DME after hours) ...Your thoughts?


My van came equipped with E-track and manual tie down straps with the metal cranks. They are useable with some cleanup, and some practice. Mobility Works has quoted me $700 to sell me and install Q-straints retractable ties downs plus the shoulder and lap belts. Is this what you would consider a wise investment given the fact it will save time securing passengers.

We got our 1st call from a customer yesterday, even before we have put out flyers (We are listed in yellow pages website because we got phone from AT&T).


Joel, our van is currently configured with a side-lift (Braun 800#) and has manual tie downs for 3 wheel chairs. 1 is next to the lift, and 2 side-by-side nearer to the rear door. We have a jump seat behind the driver's seat, and the passenger seat may not be useable because the lift has it so far forward I don't think anyone can fit.

Here's the question: We have a company that will sell and install a rear bench seat with safety belts for $300. This seat would have a quick release for removal if we wanted multiple chairs. Does this make sense to you? Since Michigan will not allow us to do gurney transports, it will only be wheelchair and ambulatory. How does this configuration sound to you for a first van?

By the way...WE HAVE LIMO AUTHORITY!!! We are PUMPED! We have our logo on our shirts, 2 days from van lettering, and still need safety restraints for our wheel chair passengers. It won't be long now!


Do you know of any particular Health Insurance companies that will cover the cost of NEMT?? I've also been looking through various long-term health insurance policies, but have not found any as of yet. If so, what is the process of billing these types of companies?? Would they require that our company already be Medicaid certified? Is there some type of template that you use??


I received a bid for a Lab Specimen Transport Service (we also do courier service). The state has previously done this and now they want to contract it out. I would like to know where I should look to find a sample bid or proposal in order to make a suitable bid. This contract is for one year with a 7 year renewal option.


As you know, we moved to Michigan to start our business. I'd like your thoughts on this... We have been looking for a home to live in near our primary business area. We have found several houses we like but they have limited parking, no HOA so no problem with commercial vehicles. We also found another home 15 miles outside of our primary area. It comes with a house, and a 3800 sq foot building with four nine foot tall rollup doors. We think we could get 6 or more vans in this facility. The great part is it would cost us no more than the houses we've been looking at. The negative side is, the house is ok, but would need some re-working to accommodate us personally. It's like a buy one get one free deal.

My financial/business side tells me in the future this building (already zoned) could save our business over $12k per year in rent. On the other hand it adds 30 miles per day to the commute of all my in lies the predicament. What are your thoughts...and I know WE have to make this decision.


Thank you for the response regarding the general liability insurance, I will look more into that....I was also thinking if someone needed extra help (assisted escort down the stairs, etc.) of signing some type of waiver, like the kind a person would sign if they were to play some type of contact sport where injury were possible. Hopefully, that would take care of some of the legal implications.... I'm just not sure how that would look as I don't want potential clients to think that we won't take responsibility for their safety and welfare. Does your company use a type of waiver for such purposes, and, if so, how do you, or how would you approach your clients to sign an agreement like that??


For budgeting/forecasting purposes, how often do you plan to change the oil in your vehicles, i.e. 3000 miles, 7500miles, etc....

Does the same apply to tires and other regular/preventative maintenance issues? Obviously, if there is an immediate need, it will be repaired/replaced but is there a set mile mark you use for you financial planning?


I'm investigating purchasing a competitor in an area that slightly overlaps my ops territory. South Carolina has recently gone to a broker system for wheelchair transports and this competitor is not a preferred provider. Since I have the ability to do the more lucrative ambulance transports and try to avoid wheelchair transports, is it typical to buy an existing business for their name and only part of their assets? I really only want their name, ambulances and some of their staff but none of their wheelchair vans or office staff.

How should I present this type of offer in the best possible light?


What type of training if any does your state require for non-Emergency Med Transport? Michigan requires none. I believe on your company's page, your drivers get "First Aid" training?? Or do you go as far as CPR training?

What types of training do any of your facilities offer, require, or prefer?


If I take a patient into an appointment with my wheelchair and during that appointment I have another pickup needing the chair, how do you handle that? Would I need to have a second chair, or transfer the first patient out of my wheelchair in a waiting room, or a facility chair, if available?


Could you please help me? I am trying my best to find out how to get an application from the Dept. of Social Services to get started. I am really getting the RUNAROUND. No one claims to know what i am talking about. Do you have any contacts here in Houston that may be in this business already and can guide me through the very first stages? I am so eager to get started that i can't get my feet off the ground. Please Help!!


My question involves salaries. Do you pay by the hour? Hourly plus bonus? Have you ever heard of paying a percentage of the ride? We are just starting to look at hiring an employee and wonder how others structure their payroll. Many thanks! My question involves salaries. Do you pay by the hour? Hourly plus bonus? Have you ever heard of paying a percentage of the ride? We are just starting to look at hiring an employee and wonder how others structure their payroll. Many thanks!


If I am able to get all of my filings done, and my accountant who only charges about $35 for a meeting can advise me on all of my tax & payroll filings and issues, at what point would I need to consider an attorney? If I do all of my meeting & minutes, lay down my manual, policies etc, what would I need one for? I'm sure the expense is prohibitive.


We have found several companies we can get uniforms from on line. ARAMARK has reasonable pricing, I think. We want to look professional like Paramedics, Fire Fighters, and Police officers. In general, do your employees pay for there own shirts and pants?

My thought is to spell out what type of shoe for drivers to wear (something like HiTechs) and at all time be in a well kept company uniform. I'd even like to have an affordable, yet warm & durable winter jacket with the company logo either on the breast (embroidered) or on a shoulder patch. (WE have a good LOGO!)


In Arkansas a broker has the Non-emergency Transportation contract through the Medicaid division of DHHS.
Are there other Brokers over the country?


We have found several companies we can get uniforms from on line. ARAMARK has reasonable pricing, I think. We want to look professional like Paramedics, Fire Fighters, and Police officers. In general, do your employees pay for there own shirts and pants?

My thought is to spell out what type of shoe for drivers to wear (something like HiTechs) and at all time be in a well kept company uniform. I'd even like to have an affordable, yet warm & durable winter jacket with the company logo either on the breast (embroidered) or on a shoulder patch. (WE have a good LOGO!)


We are considering how to take payments from our customers. Cash is KING! But we want to be able to accommodate every one and we believe if we can take credit/debit payments on the phone, we may be able to eliminate a lot of "Receivables" by collecting when we schedule the run. I guess if the customer incurs additional charges during transport, we'd have to run an additional charge.

These things seem to be a bit pricy, but we have one with a relationship with our bank. It looks like the fees will be 2-3.5% depending on the card used, and then there are fees on top of that. I can see why some folks refuse to take them...but is 3-4% (including fees) worth the "PIECE OF MIND" you'd get from collecting your money instantly?


Do you see any advantages, or know of any if I put this medical transportation in my wife's name to create a "minority owned" company??