Subject: Great FAQ's On Key Issue!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

We continue to receive a lot of emails in response to the UMTPG
insurance savings email that I recently shared with you so I have
enlisted Dan, my Online Manager, to put together twelve of the most 
common questions so that I can answer them in an FAQ-type format
to better expedite and assist.

As always, I appreciate all of your emails, questions and comments. 
So please take the time to read the following questions that are
arranged in no particular order:

What are the differences between the underwriters for the United
Medical Transportation Providers Group (UMTPG) and those not
associated with the UMTPG?

Technically, not much.  In fact, there is a chance that you might
currently be insured by one of our underwriters.  The difference,
however, is that by being an active member of the UMTPG you are
literally positioned to receive preferred rates.  Our collective
membership gives us an incredible degree of negotiating leverage
that you simply cannot get independently. 

My current insurance agent guarantees that I am currently
getting the best possible rates.  How can the UMTPG possibly
provide better rates?

Do you really think that your current insurance agent wants to lose
your business?  Of course not.  What were you really expecting 
him/her to tell you? 

The fact of the matter is, your insurance agent is probably not
licensed in all 50 States nor does he/she have as many
transportation providers insured to garner the type of negotiating
power as that of the UMTPG.  Similarly, I would almost guarantee
that your current agent cannot provide you with 18 month policies
with only 10% down versus the standard 12 month policies with a
minimum 15% down.

What are the benefits of 18 month policies versus 12 month

Well, a lot!  Think about it.  First, you don't have to come up with a
large chunk of money at the beginning of each and every year. 
Rather, you can do it every year and a half!  In three years you only
have to do it twice versus three times - it all adds up to increased

The down payment is further financial convenience and can also
reduce your overall monthly payments.  And as I always say, the
easiest way to make money is to save money!

Why is there a monthly fee to become a member for the

First, because membership is essential for UMTPG.  Membership
is the essence for our "group" that identifies us with underwriters
and gives us negotiating power.  Without a "group" we remain
independent and on a 1:1 ratio with brokers and underwriters.

Second, membership dues cover our overhead expenses to
include all of the Certification, marketing and endorsement that
we do on behalf of our Certified members.  To learn more about
these benefits Click Here.

What is the difference between the team of UMTPG brokers
and my own insurance agent?

Unlike most insurance agents who are centralized and, thus, must 
diversify into many forms of insurance to make a living, our
UMTPG brokers serve the NEMT industry exclusively and do so in
almost all 50 states!  This exclusivity is huge because it is allowing
our brokers to save our transportation providers more money while
providing more encompassing and comprehensive policies which
offers more protection and overall savings.  

Our brokers work exclusively in the NEMT industry.  Unlike your
personal insurance agent, our brokers are not trying to sell
motorcycle insurance to the guy down the street or trying to
compete with Gieco to sell cheap personal auto insurance. 

If my own insurance agent has access to write policies with
some of the same underwriters that offer policies through the
UMTPG, why would I need to leave my own insurance agent to
work with UMTPG brokers?

In short, because membership has its privileges!  Consider this,
look at the UMTPG as a giant book of business.  The bigger that
book of business with more policies, the greater the leverage, the
greater the negotiating power!  When an underwriter looks at your
policy that you share independently with your local insurance 
agent you are on a 1:1 ratio.  However, as a member of the
UMTPG you are pooled together into a huge book of business that 
is comprised of members and policies from all over the country.

Do all UMTPG members receive the same insurance

No, definitely not.  As I am sure we all know, the insurance industry
is actually very complex, in part, due to a large degree of legislation
that varies between States, markets, and industries.  It is for these
very reasons why our UMTPG brokers are essential in negotiating 
and structuring the absolute best rates and policies for our
members.  Again, our UMTPG brokers work exclusively in the
NEMT industry and serve all insurance interests associated with
our industry.  Thus, they remain educated and more current on all
insurance and industry changes as compared to local insurance
brokers and agents.

Why do I need to email copies of my Declaration Pages?

Do you ever go into a negotiation not knowing your start point?  Of
course not!  Our brokers need to evaluate your current policy so
that we can negotiate better premiums without sacrificing any
coverage.  As a side note, you would be amazed at how many
times our brokers have actually increased coverage for our
member providers while actually reducing their cost!

Why do you request that I email copies of my Declaration
Pages for my auto and worker's comp policies?

The first reason is because if our underwriters are able to write
all your policies they are much more inclined to offer better
premiums.  Think of it as repeat business.  The more business
you can offer underwriters the more inclined to they are to offer
discounts in premiums.

A very important second reason is because if you have multiple 
underwriters insuring different policies and you suffer and
accident you can very realistically find yourself in a battle between
competing insurance companies.  For example, if you have a driver
suffer an accident that requires coverage from your auto and your
workers comp policies and they are written by different brokers and
underwriters it is very possible that the underwriters and brokers
will find themselves in a serious finger pointing battle regarding 

If I join the UMTPG, how long will it take for my insurance
policy to become active?

There is definitely no one-size-fits-all answer because it depends
on how quickly you can assist our brokers with necessary
information.  But the good news is that you will never be uninsured
during the process.  You will not experience a lapse in coverage.  
Just like switching insurance for your own personal vehicle you
remain insured as long as you have paid your premiums.  

Our brokers will be very upfront and honest with you during the
entire process and will show you exactly where and how you can
save money.  Further, if there are areas where you are under-
insured, they will explain in detail where and why you are
vulnerable.  Likewise, if you are currently over-insured, our brokers
will share with you why you do not need excessive limits or types
of insurance. 

How much money can I save on my insurance policy?

Again, there is no one-size-fits-all insurance policy so there is no
way to say how much money you can save until our brokers have
evaluated your current policy and associated information.  However,
what we can proudly say is that we have saved transportation
providers as little as a few thousand dollars per years to literally
$40,000 and up on particular policies!  And as our "book of
business" continues to grow not only will the overall UMTPG
savings continue to increase but so will the individual savings of
each and every one of our members.   

Are there any long-term commitments to joining the UMTPG or
with my insurance policies?

No, absolutely not!  You can cancel your membership at any time
as well as leave and take your insurance interest elsewhere without
incurring any penalties or financial burden.

Thank you again for taking the time to read these FAQ's.  Again,
the easiest way to make money is to save money so get started by
emailing us copies of your Declaration Pages for your auto and
worker's comp policies and/or if you have any General Liability

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group