Subject: Get in Gear and Get Going!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community.  I hope that everyone is well and that business is BOOMING!

I want to share some random thoughts and some info from other members of our community.  The first is from David and Evelyn Vavra.  Their comments are self explanatory as follows:

"Joel, we did it!  We secured a $50,000 loan and even got a $10,000 line of credit!  The line of credit was actually offered by the bank!  We didn't even ask for it.  They just recommended it to help us with cash flow issues."


"We can't thank you enough.  The bank loved our business plan and we couldn't have done it without you!  We really appreciate all of your help and feedback.  Your comments we invaluable to helping us finalize our plan."


"We're so excited!  We're finally on our way to starting our own business.  We will definitely see you at the top!"

David and Evelyn, I can't congratulate you enough and I'm very happy to be able to have helped you.

And for everyone else, I know that I've been harping on it as of late, but you need to make sure you put a quality business plan together for the benefit of you and your bank.  Your bank needs to see it prior to granting you a loan.  But also, you need to develop a business plan to help you formulate your strategies and opportunities.

And I'll remind all of you, for anyone that invests in both the Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series and Dispatching Made Easy I will personally review your business plan and provide comments and feedback.  Just send it to me in a Word Document and I will personally read your plan.  But again you do have to invest in both resources.  These resource are simply too important in creating an effective business plan.

Also, some of our members have been talking about business plans and where to get FREE information online to help write your plans.  So I encourage all of your to log onto and read and review some of the great information that VIP members are sharing.   

And in the event that you're still not sure about this business opportunity, I share with you some exciting news for one of our MDTVIP members as follows:

"We got our 2nd van inspected and the driver trained.  I found a gem.  She is a former CNA and has the right temperament.  Customers are already requesting that she be their driver!!  Pretty good for her 1st week!"


"Joel, when I hired my new driver I told her we'd give her 20 hours guaranteed in the beginning, until the schedule fills both vans. The nursing homes saw her with me during training and began to call in an increased number of runs. So, due to scheduling demands she got 45 hours her first week!!  Don't look now but my guess is before long we'll be adding van #3 (I don't even have Logo's and lettering on Van#2 yet)."


"If anyone doesn't believe this can work, they should just go back and review my correspondence with Joel since setting up  You will agree that I've come along way since my first customer at the end of July 2007 (under 6 months)!"

 Much and many congrats, Stefon and Shirley!  Stefon invested in the ecourse, flew to New York to attend the Million Dollar Seminar, and invested in Dispatching Made Easy.  As you can see, they're well on their way!

So if you haven't done so as of yet, develop a strong Sense of Urgency and get busy investing in you and your business!  And if you haven't done so already, get busy writing your business plans.  They ARE important.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis


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