Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello everyone! I hope this message finds you all doing well as you plan and prepare for success!

I want to take a quick moment and share with you some great feedback recently posted on from Lee in South Carolina.


This is not a question, rather a thank you to a fellow VIP member in my state. I listed this within the "Competitors" category because even though we will be operating in separate regions, it does not mean that we will not compete...someday!

I'd like to thank Kimberly Odom for taking the time to speak with me earlier this week in regards to some business licensing questions I had. She was kind enough to take my call, of course not knowing me from Adam!! We both face similar challenges that are unique to South Carolina and I updated her as to where my company stood.

I wanted to bring this to your attention simply to illustrate the fact that $10 bucks a month is worth it to me to get/give advice to a fellow business owner who is most likely as terrified as I am. Although they are just getting started, (as I am) and we may be competing for the same clients someday, we may also be can never tell.

This quote often gives me inspiration and I hope it can for someone else...

"One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes"
-Benjamin Disaeli

Thanks again,

Lee, I thank and compliment both you and Kimberly for joining and using this resource, This is exactly why I created - to allow all of us to meet, network, and communicate with one another so as to leverage our collective efforts, ideas, and opportunities so as to enhance prosperity.

Why make enemies when we can make friends?!

I am overjoyed to hear that Kimberly was kind and generous enough to pass along helpful information. Thanks Kimberly!

The friendships and opportunities are growing everyday on People are sharing their experiences, knowledge, and resources. And if you've only thought about joining, I encourage you to stop thinking and start doing!

The moment you think you know everything - you're preparing for your own downfall. Join and like Lee and Kimberly, you'll be able to find and network with other like-minding entrepreneurs in the transportation industry. is growing in membership, features, and opportunities. Don't miss out on one of our greatest industry-specific resources. If it can help everyone else, it can definitely help you!

And remember, is ONLY $9.95 a month! That's the price of a movie ticket! Talk about an opportunity!

Get connected! Visit us at

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis