Subject: From Me to You

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

As always, I hope that this message finds you and yours all doing well and that all of your business endeavors are booming.

I am contacting you for two reasons:

1. Regretfully, two of our planned participants won\'t be able to join us for our upcoming Million Dollar Seminar as they were recently involved in a car accident. So, our prayers and best wishes are with them as we wish for their speedy recovery.

We do have some availability for our June 3rd Seminar, but if you\'d like to join us, you do have to act quickly. I have to confirm seating, menus, and reservation information with the hotel ASAP.

So if you want to benefit from insider strategies, get hands-on-training, and receive your FREE copy of Dispatching Made Easy, then visit us now at and make your secure reservation.

Also, after making your reservation, please feel free to contact us if you\'re planning on flying in to either the Broome County Airport or the Syracuse Airport. We\'ll make necessary arrangements to pick you up on Friday, June 2nd, and return you on Sunday, June 4th free of charge.

2. I had a pleasant conversation today with a nice couple from Detroit, Gary and Melissa. They were having a problem placing their purchase and coincidentally, I was in the office at the time and was able to be of assistance over the phone.

At one point, Gary seemed surprised that he was actually talking to me and not some answering service. He explained how usually when you\'re making a purchase online you usually end up talking to an operator or some kind of an answering service.

I tell all of you this short story because many of you thank me for answering your emails and questions. More specifically, many of you (and you know who you are) thank me for \"taking the time to help out the little man.\"

Well, I want to personally take the time to thank you for LETTING ME HELP YOU!

I can assure you, it really is an honor to know that I\'m helping you and many others. There\'s simply no better feeling than knowing that your efforts, your experiences, and your knowledge is helping others.

I currently train this young man every day at the gym. I teach him how to lift and how to be a better football player.

Needless to say, he comes from very, very humble beginning to say the least. He\'s 14, the oldest of three, and his parents are only 30!!! His mother works in a gas station and his dad is currently unemployed.

But despite his humble environment, God has blessed him. His name is Jamie and he\'s the starting nose guard on his varsity football team – a very rare and outstanding accomplishment.

When I was 14, if my coach asked me to start at nose guard against 17 and 18 year olds I would have picked up my lunch bag and told him I think my mom\'s calling me! At 14, I just wouldn\'t have had what it took to get the job done at that position at that level.

Long story short, before we started training I asked Jamie, \"Why am I training you (for free)?\" He thought about it for a few moments, looked at me puzzled, and said \"I don\'t know.\"

I told him, \"When I was his age, people invested their seeds of knowledge, effort, and wisdom into me and now it\'s my turn to give back. Therefore, there are two conditions by which he must agree to in order for me to train him.

First, he has to promise me that he will never quit. He needs to be like a dry sponge to water and soak up everything that I teach him. I told him that he can never quit because I won\'t waste my time sowing my seeds into stony ground.

Next, he has to promise that some day when he is in my position he is going to take the time to invest in others.

Needless to say, Jamie agreed and hasn\'t let me down in the four months that we\'ve been training. Regularly I ask him, \"Why am I helping you?\" And he\'ll tell me \"You\'re sowing seeds.\" He\'s absolutely right and he\'s not forgetting it!

Although the scenario between Jamie and me and you and me may be different, the principles are the same.

When I was starting out I literally had NO ONE helping me! I can honestly sit here and laugh as I think of some of the things I did as I tried to figure out how to be successful in this industry. But now that I\'ve achieved success, it\'s time for me to plant and invest my seeds of experience and knowledge with you!

Honestly, it\'s just that simple! Many of you have expressed great appreciation for this material and this information. But trust me, this is mutually beneficial. Although I don\'t get to everyone\'s emails as quickly as I would like, I do try and answer as many of them as possible while juggling my schedule and obligations. But knowing that I\'m able to help you and many others is a great honor and brings great satisfaction to me.

Someday, as your business blossoms and you\'re in a great position to give back, you are going to be charged with giving back – in some form or another. It may not be helping someone to start a business or training them in the gym, but it may be in some other area. And you may not be able to give back with money. But maybe it\'s your time, effort, and knowledge. In fact, in many instances these intangibles can be worth far more than money itself.

Regardless of how you do it, you will know when the time is right. You will know when you\'re being called to give back. So my advice to you is never hold back, just give back!

Thanks for letting me help you!

See you on June 3rd!
Joel E. Davis