Subject: Expansion and Diversity

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and that
all your business ventures are booming!

I received a great email today from Jeff Lewis who recently
purchased the Million Dollar ecourse and is eager to start
his own business.

In his email, Jeff proposed a very good idea and was asking
for some honest feedback. Very much to his credit, Jeff
obviously put in a lot of thought as he supported his idea
with legitimate numbers and statistics. Based upon the
information he provided, I commended Jeff and told him that
he was onto a great idea.

But one of the most important reasons that supported Jeff's
idea and statistics is that a Medical Transportation company
is a great and flexibility business opportunity that affords
for incredible expansion and diversity.

Because I strongly believe that you have to "keep the main
thing the main thing" until you're in a position for growth
and expansion, I don't go into great detail discussing
diversity in the ecourse.

However, when you attend the Million Dollar Seminar on
December 9th, I'm going to show you how to properly
establish and position your business for incredible growth
and expansion in the medical transportation industry and
well beyond.

As I've mentioned in the past, I started my company with one
vehicle. Now, I have a fleet of vehicles that accommodates
all our wheelchair, stretcher, and ambulatory clients. But
my company also accommodates many other transportation needs
within our community.

For example, we have contracts with a local university, a
variety of hotels, and businesses, and even an airport! Now
that's diversity outside of the Medical Transportation
industry. Obviously, all of these varied opportunities
provide us with diverse revenue generating opportunities.

On December 9th, you're going to discover how to start your
business very economically. I started with one vehicle and
built a very unique, diverse, and profitable business. And
I'm going to show you how to duplicate my success.

You're also going to learn how to position your business so
that, like I did, leverage Medicaid to increase their rates.
I was able to force Medicaid to increate their reimbursement
rates by 18%! And that 18% is a lot of money because it
means several tens of thousands of additional dollars into
our pockets each year. How was I able to do that when all
of my competition combined couldn't force Medicaid to
increase their rates? Well, on December 9th I'm going to
show you how I did it!

I'm also going to show you how to make your business a
fixture in your community. When you're first starting out,
you simply can't be all things to all people. But even with
humble beginnings, I'm going to show you step by step how to
build and position your business so that in time you're
going to be the most recognizable name in ground
transportation in your community.

Further, Friend, when you attend the Million Dollar
Seminar on December 9th I'm going to show you how to
structure your business so that you're making more money,
have more flexibility, and have more time for friends,
family, and vacations!

Let's face it. Life's short. You're either taking
advantage of life's opportunities or you're being taken
advantage of. I can't think of anyone that doesn't want to
own a prosperous business that allows them time and money to
do what they want, when they want, and where they want.

Friend, if you're a doer, if you're motivated, if you
understand the need for short-term sacrifice so as to reap
long-term gains, and if you see the cost-saving
opportunities by learning from others, then you need to join
us on December 9th.

I absolutely guarantee you that on December 9th, just by the
time we break for lunch you will have learned enough
information that cost me conservatively $200,000.00 through
mistakes and trial error alone. And the day still won't be
over! We'll still have much to do, to plan, and prepare for.

Remember, I had no one telling me what to do. I had no one
showing me the right way to build a medical transportation
company. But guess what, you do! You have me – and my staff!

Am I a smart man? I like to think so. But it's because I
learned from my mistakes! But as I always say, "a truly
Wise Man learns from the mistakes of others." And needless
to say, on December 9th you're going to be that Wise Man.

For ONLY $1000, the cost of a seat at the Million Dollar
Seminar, you're going learn how to avoid making the well
over $200,000 worth of mistakes that I made.
And saving that much money means more money and opportunity
in your pocket!

So Friend, life is short. If you don't take action,
life's going to pass you by. If you don't take action now,
when will you?

If someone offered to show you how to save over $200,000 in
exchange for $1000 would you jump at the opportunity or
would you just say "No, it's too much money." Or, "I don't
have time right now" or "maybe some other time."

Friend, if you're ready to get serious about building
wealth and achieving financial independence through
entrepreneurship then now is the time. While seating is
still available, visit us at and reserve
your seat.

And remember, contact Kathy at our office at (607) 797-1475
with your flight arrangements so that we can make sure that
you're picked up and returned to the airport.

Again, visit us at to learn more of the
many benefits that you're going to experience when you
attend December 9th. Also, listen and read what previous
attendees are saying. All of those testimonials, either
written or audio are volunteered from previous attendees and
describe the unique opportunity that you're going to discover
at the Million Dollar Seminar.

So don't delay – reserve today! This is going to be another
great event that's guaranteed to help jumpstart the
businesses of all our Million Dollar attendees.

And don't forget, if you have any questions, please feel
free to contact us either via email or at our office at
(607) 797-1475.

If you plan on being on the Top, then I'll see you at the Top!

See you on the 9th,
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1475