Subject: Excellent Video & Impact On Your Business

Hello to everyone in the Million Dollar and growing Broker Communities!  As always, I hope this message finds you all doing well and business is booming!
This past Friday we had an awesome conference call with one of our Active Licensees who has launched his broker business and is now seeking to create a franchise model for his specific broker business to operate in a completely different state.  This Licensee's brother-in-law has been an insurance exec for many years but sees how he, and many others, are being pushed out and replaced by technology.  As a result, this insurance exec is looking long-term and has grown excited and enthusiastic by what his brother-in-law, our Licensee, is doing with his broker business.
Long story short, our legal team and I will continue to further explore this franchise creation possibility with our Licensee and his brother-in-law because scaling his business in such a manner can serve as a completely new venue or strategy which Licensees can use to exponentially multiply growth, new market penetration, and profit earning potential.  Imagine, you receiving annual franchise fees and monthly earning commissions while the franchisee builds your brand.  It's an awesome possibility! 
After having this hour long conference call with more to come, I knew I had to share the following short video with you.  I honestly don't know who this guy is, but I strongly encourage you to hang one every single word and then go back and watch the video again and, if necessary, a third time as well.  Yes, his message is just that important.    
Again, this video is very short, only four plus minutes.  But as you watch, ask yourself if you are a "Leader, Follower, or Laggard."  Clearly, our Licensee who is thinking outside the box and looking to create a franchise structure with his broker business is working as a Leader - excellent job!  
So watch, pay close attention, then watch it as many times as is necessary to help determine if you are serving as a Leader, Follower, or Laggard: 
If you're serious about becoming a Leader, making more money and building a more dynamic business but have not yet become an Active Licensee, Click Here.
Lead, follow, or just get out of the way!  
See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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