Subject: Don't Miss Out - Seriously!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to all of you within the Million Dollar Transportation Community. It's 2008 and I hope that everyone is off to a fast and prosperous new year!

I have had the pleasure to be working with a handful of clients serious about building their own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company in recent weeks and months. You might recall that in early November of 2007 I offered a very unique opportunity to work with 10 people until the end of 2007 whom invest in my Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series and Dispatching Made Easy.

Well, with the help of the detailed information that I provide in my ecourse, "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company," and my six disc set DVD series these clients are putting together some really nice and effective business plans. And that's why I'm contacting all of you.

Over the last few weeks I've read and reviewed a number of business plans prepared by these clients. And it appears that all have been very appreciative of my input and feedback. Now understand that I don't edit the business plans. Rather, I simply include my comments in a different font color where I think appropriate. I offer suggestions ranging from realistic expectations and calculations to detailed strategic planning.

And now, I'm offering a similar review opportunity to those of you whom are truly serious about building your own Million Dollar Transportation Company.

As always, I encourage EVERYONE to write a business plan. I believe that it is an important process and practice for building your business. It forces you to think critically and realistically of your needs and opportunities. Further, creating a business plan is an absolute MUST if you plan on getting a loan from a bank or other lending institution or if you're hoping to get a government grant. If you don't believe me, just go try and get a loan or grant and see if they ask to review your business plan!

Helping many of you has been a pleasure for me because I see how much you appreciate my feedback and assistance. And honestly, I have actually even learned a bit from many of your business plans! So it's been a great opportunity for me as well.

So if you're serious about building your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company and you'd like to position yourself for financial freedom in 2008 then I encourage you to invest in my Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series and Dispatching Made Easy. When you do, I will absolutely be honored to read and review your business plan once you've put it together.

Now understand, I WILL NOT WRITE YOU BUSINESS PLAN. It's just not realistic. There's only one of me and I have a busy schedule as it is. But I will invest serious time into reading and reviewing your business plan and offering you as much feedback and possible.

So if you're serious, serious about this Million Dollar Opportunity, then here are the terms of this great opportunity:

1. You do have to read my ecourse, "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company," first. The reason is because the information contained in the DVD Series is in addition to the info contained in the ecourse.

2. Next, you must invest in my six set DVD Series! There is simply too much great information in this resource for you not to invest. I strongly encourage you to study these DVD's prior to attempting to write your business plan. If you skip this opportunity I guarantee that there will be things that you will not consider in your business plan. And if you don't believe me, then just listen to previous Seminar attendees and others whom have invested in my DVD Series.

3. You have to invest in Dispatching Made Easy as well. The reason for this is because you have to account for logistics in your business plan and that's exactly what DME is going to help you do. And the banks/lenders will see it as well!

4. Once you've prepared your business plan you can send it to me at in a "Word" document. Please make sure that it is a Word document so that I can insert questions and comments where I think appropriate. I will make my comments in the color red so that you can easily identify my notes and comments.

5. I am ONLY helping clients that invest in the ecourse, the DVD's, and DME - without exception! If you only invest in the ebook, please don't waste your time and mine by forwarding a business plan. If you're not prepared to invest in all the materials to gain knowledge on all the issues I discuss, then I simply don't have time to reiterate strategies already discussed in my DVD's.

6. You do have to give me a few days to return your business plan with my notes. Again, please understand that there is only one of me and I do have a busy schedule. So please don't anticipate a "same day" delivery. You will have to give me a few days.

7. I will absolutely maintain 100% confidentiality regarding all maters of your business plan. And yes, I will be the sole person reading and reviewing your business plan and making comments. Let me say that again. I absolutely 100% guarantee you that I will be the person reading your business plan and making all of the comments. It will not be a member of my staff or others.

If you're serious about gaining financial independence through entrepreneurship, then I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. Words cannot express how much I wish I had this kind of information and opportunities when I was starting with a single vehicle back in 1999. But unlike me, you have this opportunity! So you have no excuse not to make your business the best that it can be. Learn from my mistakes to jump start your business.

And as a side note, I can't say goodbye without sharing some serious concerns with all of you. Some of you may not agree with me, but I feel very compelled to share with you my own personal concerns of our economy and future opportunities that will affect all of us.

I strongly believe that the "writing is on the wall" - that the US economy is heading for a serious recession or what is sometimes referred to as stagnation due to inflation. I know, this might be up for debate and I also admit that I'm definitely NOT a professional economist. But in my experience and "unprofessional" opinion, I just can't help but believe that we're heading into an economic stagnation.

The real estate market is getting hammered, the US dollar is getting destroyed by the value of the Euro, the Yen, and more, Americans are overextended with credit, foreign government are demanding that we pay in Euros and other currencies which will affect inflation, and much, much more.

And I think the reason why I feel so compelled to share with you my concerns is because of time and also because the great thing about this Million Dollar Opportunity is that it is NOT an economically dependent opportunity. In other words, a medical transportation company is NOT dependent on economic dynamics.

If the economy is up, you're making money. If the economy is down, you're still making money! And the reason why is because you're NOT relying on the market. Rather, you're relying on your clients, the elderly population, who happen to be the largest and fastest segment of our population. Unlike real estate, our market is continuing to grow!

So regardless of how well our economy is doing, we will still have elderly people that have to get to their medical appointments. We will always have elderly people that need to get to dialysis and other treatments.

And going back to timing, now is the time to get started on building your business. If not now, then when? Don't wait until it's too late and you've a great window of opportunity!

OK, OK. I'll get off my soap box now. But I just couldn't go without saying something. So you can't say you've never been warned!

Well, getting back on point, if you're serious about this Million Dollar Opportunity and you're ready to get started, make sure that you've invested in my ecourse at and also my DVD Series and DME at

Let's all be Great in '08! Why be average when we can be great? Why survive when we can thrive?

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis