Subject: Don't Just Listen to Me!

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello to all you valued members! I want to send a quick message to all of you telling all of you to log onto and check out recent comments by Carlos, a successful entrepreneur in North Carolina.

Carlos started his company in October of last years and his business is continuing to take off. As I explain, there are three prime reasons why I share Carlos' message.

First, many of you are members but, for whatever reason(s), have not yet opened your doors. And that's OK. I trust it's because you're doing your due diligence and preparing. But hopefully, Carlos' message will serve as further motivation and inspiration as he has started his business only a short time ago and yet he's doing very well.

Secondly, Carlos' message reaffirms many important topics and strategies that I continue to outline and stress in my ecourse, DVD's, and newsletters.

And thirdly, there are many great parallels between Carlos' experiences and that of mine. Many of the mistakes that Carlos is referencing - I'VE ALREADY SCREWED UP AND WASTED A HECK OF A LOT OF MONEY! So, you don't have to!

So if you won't listen to me, please listen to Carlos. Thanks, Carlos. Best wishes & Good luck!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477