Subject: Did you see us on CNN

Saturday, October 19, 2024

To all my friends in the Million Dollar Community,

I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and in good health. And, I hope that all your business ventures are Booming!

Today was a VERY busy, tragic, and interesting day for us – hence the reason for this message. About half way through the day, I realized that I had to write this message just to reaffirm to all of you what a great opportunity it is to own a medical transportation company.

If you\'ve been listening to the news today you know that the north east got swamped with overwhelming floods. Unfortunately, this included my community. We got hammered!

As I was preparing to leave home for the office today, Kathy, my Office Manager, contacted me to inform me that we are under a state of emergency. Further, she indicated that almost all of our appointments have been affected – either cancelled, delayed, rescheduled, etc.

However, not knowing the full extent of the weather conditions and that of our business, I was immediately under the impression that today was going to be a slow day and that most of our drivers would have the day off - how wrong I was!

By the time I reached the office we were inundated with calls from local hospitals, nursing homes, residents, and even the police. We were being contacted to help evacuate some of the facilities and residential areas that we continuing to flood.

Long story short, what I initially thought was going to be a very slow day turned out to be the busiest day of our business. Instead of making a minimal amount of revenue today, we set a record high in revenue.

And if you really were watching the news, you would have spotted us in action on CNN!

CNN had a camera crew actually video taping one of the hospitals we were evacuating and one of the video clips had one of our drivers in the background loading up a patient to be evacuated.

Now, am I writing this message to brag about making a record day in revenue to the detriment and misfortune of others? No, absolutely not.

My drivers and I have been working since early this morning (and many are still working as I draft this message) to help an untold number of people that are in serious need.

But after seeing first hand the countless number of businesses that have been severely damaged due to flood damage or simply had to close because of the conditions, I can honestly tell you how fortunate and blessed I am to own a medical transportation company.

There are an untold number of businesses that are literally under water as we speak. Just think of the damage, the losses, the headaches, etc that these business owners are going to have to face to repair and get their business operational again. And for the businesses that were unharmed by the flood waters but closed because situation, they\'ve lost too.

But because my medical transportation company is not a centralized business I don\'t stand to lose. Rather, I continue to remain operation and possibly making even more money.

As I mentioned before, technically, I can run my business from anywhere. I don\'t have a restaurant or a retail store that demands a centralized location – a location that is susceptible to suffering from flood damage or other natural disasters.

Also, this tragedy further reaffirms that medical transportation services are NOT economically dependant. When countless other local businesses have been closed and suffering significant damage and losses we are extremely busy creating a record day in revenue.

If you\'re not sure that this industry is a feasible opportunity for you I think you will definitely want to take today\'s events into consideration. As today\'s misfortunes illustrated, my business is extremely blessed and I am very pleased that we were able to help many people and also generate sizeable revenue.

Two of the most attractive features of this industry are that (1) we are economically dependant, and (2) there is ALWAYS a need for this type of service.

When other businesses were closed, we were busy making money. And because the majority of the people we were transporting were in wheelchairs or stretchers, we were in high demand. Obviously, these people couldn\'t have used a taxi or regular sedan. Rather, they required the assistance of our unique service.

Well, I hope that my thoughts and insight have been of some help. As always, I encourage you to contact me with any questions as you build your business. If you haven\'t already done so, make sure you visit us at and claim your copy of \"How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company.\"

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis