Subject: Copy My Contract


Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  I'm contacting all of you who are serious about building your own Million Dollar business with a great and VERY exclusive opportunity.

As we all know, the opportunity for this industry continues to grow by the day.  The elderly population is booming and the number of hospitals, nursing homes, and senior centers grow annually.  And when you gain exclusive contractual Agreements with these facilities you're able to solidifying your place in your market.

In the Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series, we discuss many issues on how to create and position your business to gain contracts.  But now, I'm literally going to give you a copy of one of the biggest contracts I have!

Yes, you're reading this right.  When you purchase the Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series I'm literally going to give you a copy of a contract for one of my biggest accounts! 

There are three hospitals in my immediate area.  Two of them are affiliated with one another.  And I'm proud to say that I have maintained a long-term relationship with all of them.  But more specifically, I maintain a contractual partnership with the two hospitals that are affiliated.  Needless to say, this Agreement makes me a lot of money!  And it's this contract that I'm literally going to give you copy of!

What good is this contract to you?  It's an incredibly exclusive reference resource! 

You're going to gain access to the thoughts and intentions of the hospital and that of my company.  You're going to see what kinds of terms we discussed and agreed to in order to accomplish the mission of the hospital and to make my company money!

This 21 page contract was negotiated and signed in 2002 - a time at which my business was still young and growing.  So, you're going to learn of the status of my company at that time and how we were able to beat out my competition to win this contract. 

Think about this.  I started with one used vehicle and a cell phone.  Yet within three years I had twelve vehicles and secured the largest known contract in our community. 

Now really, do you think you can benefit by gaining access to this contract?  If you don't see the importance to this great opportunity then I definitely can't help you!

But it gets even better!  I'm going to also give all of you copy of a 16 page manual entitled "Safety Manual for Transportation Contractors/Vendors."  This exclusive manual is published by the actual hospital - so they know what they're looking for!

Why is this publication a great opportunity?  Because it's going to give you incredible insight into what hospitals are looking for from transportation vendors!

Now think about this.  If you already know and can prepare for what hospital supervisors are looking for in transportation providers, do you think you're going to have a HUGE leg up on your competition?  Do you think you're going to have a HUGE advantage when it comes time to prepare for and negotiate contracts?

Again, if you don't see the opportunity in this resource and the copies of my contract, then I don't know how else I can be of assistance.  I would have killed to get my hands on this kind of information when I was starting out.  Instead, I had to learn everything the hard way!

Anyways, I'm not going to waste your time and my time trying to convince you of the significance of this incredibly exclusive information.  You either get it or you don't. 

But here's the deal.  Everyone who orders the Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series will get a copy of this exclusive contract and a copy of the "Safety Manual for Transportation Contractors/Vendors" for FREE!  These publications will be included in with your purchase and rushed certified mail to your house.

So if you're serious, if you'd like to get your hands on this exclusive information, and you'd like to discover how to create and position your business to be the Giant in your market, then stop reading this and visit us now at and order your copy of my Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477

PS:  Don't forget, I'm Irish for the week - until St. Patrick's Day!  Order the Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series by March 17th and it's yours for ONLY $300!  That's a 40% savings of $197.95!  Don't delay.  Call my office today at (607) 797-1477 and speak to either Kathy or Trish.  They'll be able to process your discount payment over the phone.