Subject: Contract Information

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community. I hope that this quick message finds you and yours doing well and that business is booming!

I wanted to drop a quick note of appreciation for your recent emails and to further explain the blacked out names on the contracts that many of you are receiving with your Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series purchase.

The contract is my biggest contract. It is with two hospitals that are managed and operate jointly. In my area there are three hospitals. So having a contract with two of the three is pretty good! The third won't contract with anyone. So I don't feel all that left out!

This contract pays me around $200,000 per year not including all of the Medicaid business that I get out of these two hospitals. In total, contracting with these two hospitals generates about $400,000 per year in revenue.

Out of professional courtesy and respect for those with whom I do business with, I requested from Support Services their "blessing" to publish copies of this contract. As long as I blacked out all names, dates, and numbers within the contract for security purposes, they had no problem with my passing copies out to all of you. So as you read the contract, just think of the blacked out names as that of your business and of a hospital or facility that you might work with.

Also, many of you have mentioned the addendum letter that I included with the contract. I'm laughing just thinking about it. But as I keep telling everyone, I hide nothing! I share all of my screw-ups and mistakes as well as my successes. Why - so you don't have to! I wasted all the time, money, and effort so you don't have to!

The addendum is a letter I had to write because of the "rookie mistake" and oversight I made in my excitement. You have to understand the circumstances. I was in my third year of business and I just beat out my competition to get this contract. AND, I wasn't even the lowest bidder! So I know for a fact that these hospitals chose me because of all the strategies that I discuss in the Million Dollar Seminar. Again, I was overjoyed and made a rookie mistake in preparation, thus, the reason for the follow-up letter.

So if you've already purchased your copy of the Million Dollar Seminar and reviewed the contract and the hospital safety publication I encourage you to contact me with any questions and I'll do my best to help.

If you have yet to get your copies, then I encourage you to visit us at and get your hands on the Million Dollar Seminar and I'll include copies of this 21 page contract for FREE as well as the hospital safety manual for transportation contractors.

And if you prefer to pay by phone, please feel free to contact either Kathy or Trish at (607) 797-1477. They'll be able to process your payment over the phone.

Well, I hope this message has been of some help and offered a little clarification if you were unable to figure out what the blacked out names were.

As always, I send you my best and encourage you to continue sow the seeds of success on a daily basis!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477

PS: Make sure you keep checking your email over the next few days and weeks. I'll have some great info coming out for those of you that are serious about being successful in this industry!