Subject: Congratulations! 4 or 5 Left....

How to Build a Million Dollar Home Care Agency
Friday, September 27, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

Congratulations to those of your that invested in my newly released How
to Build a Million Dollar Home Care Agency! 

If you didn't receive my previous message, I was not planning on
launching this information until the end of next week.  But to my surprise,
my print company already produced and delivered 20 percent of my order!

So hey, why wait?  We don't even have our new website active as of yet
because I was not planning on receiving these copies this quick.  But I'm
not complaining!  They came out great!  You're going to love the material
and the manual in general.

Anyways, as of the creation of this message, we have about 4-5 left.  If
you would like to get one of these now, please email us ASAP and we will
send you and electronic invoice.

If you get one of these remaining copies, it will ship tomorrow around
11 AM EST.  If not, then you will have to wait until our formal launch at the
end of next week or early the following week.

I know it's only an extra week or two, but I wasn't expecting to get these
copies as early as we did.

Click Here to Watch Video for Home Care Manual

So email us ASAP at if you wish
to get one of these remaining copies.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

PS: This is a first come first serve basis.  If you don't get one of these
remaining copies, not a problem.  I will let everyone know when I receive
the rest of our production.