Subject: Closing Hours - Act Now!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I just wanted to give everyone a last minute reminder.  The special
promotion that we've been running, where you will save $100 on the
newly released MDT Business Plan, will be expiring within hours. 

By mid morning this special discounted opportunity will have expired. 
So if you haven't yet taken action, now is the time!

To invest and save $100 in the MDT Business Plan,

And for your convenience, let me share with you the following:

The Difference Between "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical
Transportation Company" and the MDT Business Plan

"How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" is
320 page ebook that you will download immediately following your

My ebook is a "How To" manual.  From start to finish you're going
discover different licensing and registration requirements, learn
of the
all the different elements and components you're going to
need to build
and integrate into your business to make it a
successful venture.

The MDT Business Plan is a physical product that we ship to you
certified mail with the US Postal Service.  Along with the MDT
Business Plan is a supplemental guide and a FREE copy of my
DVD, "Keys to Financial Success."

The MDT Business Plan is a literal example of a business plan
targeted specifically for the NEMT business.  It is NOT a general 
business plan

Can you use the MDT Business Plan as a template for your plan? 
Yes, absolutely!  That's what I hope you do! 

The MDT Business Plan is not 320 pages like my ebook.  The
Business Plan is much smaller, yet highly targeted. 

In fact, in it's original draft, the MDT Business Plan was much
but my banker literally shredded 2/3 of the original plan
because he
insisted that the Plan be more brief, direct, and to
the point!

So because this particular banker is responsible for receiving
reviewing bank loans, I trust his good judgment.  That's why
reviewed, edited, and helped audit the development of the MDT
Business Plan.

Now, I hope that I have successfully cleared up any questions or
confusion.  Bottom line, the MDT Business Plan is NOT the same
thing as my Million Dollar ebook.

If you are in need of a NEMT business plan or foresee yourself
being in need of one, then CLICK HERE NOW and save $100!

This special promotion will be gone in the morning!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

PS: The MDT Business Plan is being printed as we speak.  I
anticipate this physical product being delivered on Friday of this
week, Monday at the latest.  As soon as they are arrived in our
office all orders will be filled and shipped out ASAP!  So
regardless of when we receive the MDT Business Plan, I would
anticipate delivery to your doorstep by the middle to second half
of next week.

PSS: If you're still in need of "How to Build a Million Dollar
Medical Transportation Company," CLICK HERE NOW and
download and start studying it ASAP!  You can invest in the
ebook at the same time you invest in the MDT Business Plan. 
That means you can read and digest all of this great information
while you await delivery of the MDT Business Plan.