Subject: Check These Numbers Out

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

I recently had the extreme pleasure to work with some of our
local hospitals, nursing facilities, and local community
advocates to host an expo at our local shopping mall. The
purpose of the expo was to make the public aware of the many
services that are available to assist our elderly and
disabled community.

Long story short, the expo was a big success for everyone
including my company as I was able to increase exposure,
meet new people, and further strengthen partnerships with
local facilities.

In speaking with an administrator from one of our local
hospitals, I gained further insight to just how big of an
impact the growing elderly population has on hospitals and
facilities and how it ultimately affects non-emergency
transportation businesses like ours.

Now, you and I both know that the elderly population is
continuing to multiply exponentially. And obviously, it's
not hard to figure out that this growth has a significant
ripple affect on all businesses and organizations associated
with the elderly and disabled.

But why am I bringing all of this up to you? Because the
following numbers and statistics further illustrates just
how important non-emergency transportation services are
across the country – not just my community!

So let me stop gabbing and just share with you some of the
notes that I wrote down during my conversation with this

1. From 1997 to 2004 the elderly population represented
12 percent of the US population. However, the elderly
population accounted for more than 35 percent of all hospital
stays annually.

2. Over this eight year period the cost of hospital
stays increased by 25 percent.

3. While the average costs increased, the average
length of stay decreased by just under one day from 6.4 in
1997 to 5.7 in 2004.

4. From 1997 to 2004, the rate of hospital admissions
initiated in the emergency department increased from 49
percent to 57 percent.

Now stop and think about this information and think long

By the year 2030 the elderly population will have doubled to
71 million in the US alone. That's common knowledge that
you can find via any US research and statistic.

But if as of today, the elderly population accounts for
approximately 35 percent of all hospital stays then it only
stands to reason that this number will continue to grow in
proportion to the growing elderly population.

Further, emergency rooms will continue to experience a
growth in activity as well as general admissions. And as
you can expect, the more people that go into hospitals the
more people that have to come out – and that's where you and
I come into play. We need to take advantage of this growth!

The percentage of elderly people going into hospitals is
going to continue to increase. That's an inarguable fact.
Thus, the number of people that are going to need
non-emergency transportation coming out of hospitals is
going to continue to increase. Again, that's an inarguable

And remember, there's a direct correlation between the
growing elderly population and the growing number of nursing
facilities – again, another need for our non-emergency
transportation services!

Now think about this. Taking into consideration the growing
costs for healthcare, the growing costs to hospitals and the
patients, do you think you have an opportunity to secure
long-term partnerships and contracts with hospitals if you
can (1) save them money, (2) meet the needs of their growing
patient populations, and (3) provide a more efficient
service so as to relieve some of the burden?


You and I have a HUGE and long-term opportunity to make
serious money by helping people and saving them money! And
guess what. I'm doing it everyday! Everyday I help save
our local hospitals money which, in turn, MAKES ME MONEY!
And that's why I have multiple contracts with our local

And guess what, on December 9th, I'm going to show you
exactly how I'm doing it. On December 9th I'm going to show
you how to secure contracts with your local hospitals,
nursing facilities, dayhab facilities, and more. I'm even
going to show you how to get your county's Department of
Social Services to increase their reimbursement rate.

December 9th is our next Million Dollar Seminar – and it's
rapidly approaching. So if you haven't already reserved
your seat, then you need to do so ASAP while seats are still

When you attend our December 9th Million Dollar Seminar I'm
personally going to show you how start with one vehicle like
I did and systematically grow your business into the giant
within your community. Think I'm full of it? If so, then
visit us at and listen to past attendees
and see how valuable the Million Dollar Seminar has been for

And even if you do believe me, visit us anyways at right now to reserve your seat and to
learn even more about this Million Dollar Opportunity.

And don't forget. Make sure you contact us at 607-797-1475
with your flight information. If you plan on flying into
either the Broome County Airport or the Syracuse Airport
we'll make sure that you're picked up and returned free of

So let's stop wasting time. We have nothing but HUGE
opportunities ahead of us. I know my company is primed,
poised, and ready to take advantage of this BOOMING
population. Is yours? If not, I'll see you on December 9th.
We have work to do.

It's go time! Let's go!

See you on the 9th!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1475

The elderly population is the future and presents HUGE
opportunity for all of us. Are you going to take advantage
of this exponentially growing opportunity or will you let it
pass you by?

Remember, why work to survive when you can work to thrive!
2007 is around the corner. It's time to thrive!