Subject: Can you afford not to go?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hi Friend,

I have just returned from Florida. I did what most people say you shouldn\'t – mix business with pleasure. But I have a great knack for mixing the two and mixing them well!

If you live in or you\'re from Florida, I have to stand and salute you. You\'re definitely tougher than me! It was HOT down there! I don\'t know how you can stand it in the middle of summer. My poor bald head was burned – and it hurts!

Anyways, I got some great emails while I was gone. As many of you know if you sent me an email over the last five days, Kathy, my Office Manager, did a great job of responding to many emails. If she didn\'t get to our email, have no fear. I will be addressing them soon.

Many of the emails that I received were regarding our upcoming September 30th Million Dollar Seminar.

But two of these emails stood out because they made me smile. Both emails were from very interested and eager entrepreneurs that, like me, had attended and wasted money at past real estate seminars. Thus, they are concerned about investing money into attending the Million Dollar Seminar.

Understandably so, these two entrepreneurs are concerned that the Million Dollar Seminar is going to be one of those fluffy, feel good, pie-in-the-sky events that\'s going to soak the attendees out of some serious time, money, and effort.

Well, being the blatantly honest person that I am and am sometime criticized for, let me tell you the Million Dollar Seminar IS NOT A FLUFFY FEEL GOOD PIE-IN-THE-SKY event!

If you\'ll notice on my website, one of the first things that I mention is that my ecourse and this seminar is a legitimate business opportunity and not one of those \"no money down\" real estate schemes.

Why do I say this?

Because like many of you, I once wasted considerable time, money, and effort attending one of those zero-money-down real estate seminars/boot camps. So after wasting several thousands of dollars on hollow real estate schemes and events, I can relate to those of you that are concerned about wasting money on another seminar.

However, as past attendees will attest, the Million Dollar Seminar is NOT like other seminars. Rather, the Million Dollar Seminar IS the Real Deal.


Because at the Million Dollar Seminar I\'m going to reveal everything that you need to know and literally give you hands on training for creating and building your own LEGITIMATE Million Dollar Business.

Now don\'t get me wrong. I\'m not saying that real estate is a scam and that it\'s not a real and legitimate money making opportunity. To the contrary, I am a BIG fan of real estate and continue to grow my own real estate portfolio.

However, what I am saying is that, in my own opinion, much of the real estate How-to info on the market today is crap. It\'s designed to make the authors a ton of money rather than making you, the client/customer a ton of money.

Have you ever noticed how the high majority of all money-making infomercials, online business ventures, and more are all based upon one thing – real estate? Now be honest, do you think they\'re all legit?

Now if you\'re a person that\'s one in ten million that actually purchased a rental property for no money down, I want to shake your hand. Or, if you purchased a $250,000 home at a $500 tax sale then I want to buy you lunch.

I purchased some of those courses, attended the real estate seminars, and tried to use their fluffy feel good strategies. But for some reason I guess I just wasn\'t smart or slick enough to find or close on a \"no money down\" deal!

However, I was able to, in time, find select properties that were within my budget and fit my financial goals and strategies.

But let me tell you about one experience I had and how it relates to this Million Dollar opportunity.

A few years ago I purchase a single family home that I got an absolute great deal on. And I do mean a great deal. The elderly lady that had lived there had to go into a nursing home. She had five kids all of whom lived out of state and wanted nothing to do with the property. So, they jump at my offer that I thought they would never bite on.

It was a nice property right next to another single family home that I own. But the problem was that the inside was literally caught in a time capsule. Everything, and I do mean everything, was still from the 1950\'s.

So before I could rent this property I had to completely renovate the property. And it was a lot more than just paint and carpet.

Now I don\'t mind working on renovations and similar work. Actually, I kind of like it. I\'m pretty good and creative with my hands and I and consider it a kind of therapy because it gives me time to think! And I like to think.

But here\'s where the problem came in.

Many of you have probably heard of the 80/20 Rule. This rule says that you will spend 80% of your time working to make 20% of your money and conversely, you will spend 20% of your time working to make 80% of your money.

The problem for me was that I was not only using and violating this inefficient rule, I was annihilating this rule! I was actually using a 99/1 Rule.

I was so in over my head on this project in terms of personal time investment that I was literally spending 99 % of my time on a property that, when complete, was literally only going to make me a few hundred dollars a month positive cash flow.

Conversely, I was spending minimal time on my transportation company that was making considerable amounts of money!

One day while working (in the middle of a therapy session), I seriously had to re-evaluate what the heck I was doing.

My transportation company was continuing to grow and prosper and still had even greater opportunities for growth. Yet here I was, throwing up sheet rock in a rental property that would only yield a few hundred dollars a month positive cash flow when complete.

It was a serious flaw in my business model! What the heck was I thinking? (That\'s a question that you don\'t have to answer. I already know I was moron!)

After coming to this realization, I literally shut down operations on this property without exaggeration for six months! Yes, you heard me right. I literally shut down my work on this rental property and made no progress on it for six months.

I just couldn\'t justify it. Even adding up the amount of money I was losing to pay the mortgage and taxes on the property for those six months it couldn\'t come close to the amount of money that I was NOT making by not working on my medical transportation company.

The reason I didn\'t subcontract all of the work on my rental property is because the labor cost would have quadrupled my budget.

But by going back and focusing my efforts on gaining even more market share I was able to carve out new business and significantly more revenue.

After I achieved some new goals for my transportation company, I again returned to my once abandoned rental property and eventually completed and paid off the property early. Now, this property puts some nice positive cash flow into my pocket each and every month. But, it in no way compares to the money I make via my medical transportation company!

So, what\'s the morale of the story?

Well, there are quite a few. Here\'s a short list:

1. Don\'t be a fool like me.

As I tell everyone, always keep the main thing the main thing. Know where you make the bulk of your money and focus the bulk of your time, money, and effort in that direction.

The 80/20 Rule is true. The majority of people use and make this rule reality every day. But that doesn\'t mean that it\'s an efficient rule!

If you spend 20% of your time making 80% of your money, what would happen if you were reversed it and began to invest 80% of your time on making the bulk of your money? The sky\'s the limit!

2. Building a medical transportation company is a real, legitimate, and serious money-making opportunity.

How long would it take for you to build a real estate portfolio that yields a million dollar in annual revenue?

There\'s no right or wrong answer. But I\'m guessing it would take a long, long time.

Now, how long would it take for you to build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company?

Well, the answer to that is when you apply the rules, principles, and techniques that I\'m going to reveal during the Million Dollar Seminar it\'s a short few years!

3. The Million Dollar Seminar has NO fluff. And I do mean NO fluff.

I absolutely promise you that you\'re not going to walk away from the Million Dollar Seminar feeling warm and fuzzy inside but having no real strategies of how to move forward.

In fact, you\'re going to be walking away with a big think bound book that we\'re going to be using during the Seminar for which you can make all the notes that you desire during the course of the day.

And don\'t forget. Warren, my Director of Operations, and I are literally going to give you hands-on-training. You\'re going to see our vehicles, use our wheelchairs, and learn how to use stretchers. Where else are you going to get that? No one taught me. If you don\'t attend the Million Dollar Seminar, who\'s going to teach you?

Very conservatively, I have literally wasted no less than $200,000 through trial and error and making mistakes over the first few years of my business. Why – because, unlike you, I had no one showing me or telling me what to do. I had to figure it all out on my own.

I wasted money on purchasing the wrong vehicles, hiring and partnering with the wrong people, making marketing mistakes, insurance mistakes, and much, much more.

So if you\'re concerned about the cost of attending the Million Dollar Seminar, ask yourself how much money are you willing to lose by not attending the Million Dollar Seminar?

Listen to past attendees. I literally point out example after example of how I made mistakes. Why – so you don\'t have to!

And, I point out example after example of all the things that I did and continue to do right. Why – so that you can duplicate my success!

4. The Million Dollar Seminar is the real deal and is far and away the most cost effective investment in your new business.

I have two business partners in a separate business that literally wasted over $6,000 a piece to attend one of the \"Russ Whitney\" real estate seminars in Texas.

Ironically enough, while in Texas they were asked to become \"presenters\" and \"trainers\" for Whitney. Now think about that. Two young motivated guys with no prior experience or track record in real estate are solicited to become \"trainers\" for someone else\'s real estate program. It doesn\'t instill a lot of confidence in that \"system.\"

Needless to say, everything that I preach at the Million Dollar Seminar I have done it myself.

Today, without exaggeration, my two partners continue to sell off all of their rental properties. They\'re down to their last three properties.

Why are they selling everything off? Because they fell for all of the pie-in-the-sky real estate get-rich-quick no-money-down feel good strategies and got in way over their heads.

They bought garbage fixer-upper properties as recommended and lost BIG time in regards to time, money, and effort.

That was six years ago. Six years ago my friends first bought into the real estate craze. Today, they have almost nothing to show for it.

Conversely, my medical transportation company has exponentially grown over the last six years!

Again, don\'t get me wrong. Real estate is not a bad investment if you know what you\'re doing. I continue to own and grow my own real estate portfolio. But do you need to sink $6,000 into a feel good real estate seminar in order to be successful? Heck no!

5. A Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company can serve as the foundation of your success.

I tell everyone when it\'s time to dig a ditch, dig a ditch! It doesn\'t matter how deep or how wide. You dig a ditch and invest all necessary effort as required to get the job done.

During the first two years of my business, I was a ditch digger. I was building BIG ditches. But it all paid off.

Now, I have a great business that affords me great opportunities.

I have a big office for which I manage a total of six businesses out of that include my real estate.

I have an excellent staff of drivers and office personnel that allow for all of my success to be possible. And during the Million Dollar Seminar you\'re going to meet and hear from Kathy, my Office Manager, and Warren, my Director of Operations. And don\'t let me forget. You\'re also going to hear from Aaron, one of my accountants.

Aaron has been with me for many, many years. He\'s very smart and experience and can tell you just how humble my beginnings were when I was starting my medical transportation company.

And there are a variety of other reasons why building your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company is a great investment for you. It has been a great opportunity for me and I know that it can be for you.

When you attend our upcoming Million Dollar Seminar, my staff and I are going to share EVERYTHING with you.

The Million Dollar ecourse continues to receive rave reviews. Needless to say, the Seminar gets even better!

Hopefully, my thoughts have been able to relieve doubts or questions for many of you. If you\'re ready to move forward, ready to build your own Million Dollar business, then stop delaying and reserve your seat at September 30th\'s Million Dollar Seminar today!

Visit us at right now and reserve your seat. Remember, it\'s not a question of if you can afford to go. It\'s a question of if you can afford NOT to go!

Everyday is an opportunity for improvement, growth, and new opportunity. Are you ready to seize the day?

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis