Subject: Become a Well Rounded Business

How to Build a Million Dollar Home Care Agency
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I have to keep this message short as I am out of town working with a
client.  But I want to share this message with you because I know it is
going to help many of you diversify and become more profitable.

As I have mentioned in previous correspondence, especially because you
already have an existing NEMT business, expanding into the home care
industry is not difficult!

But the better news is that it can be very profitable.  And the BEST news
is that you do not need many clients to do very well!

The client that I've been with these past two days started his home care
agency in January of this year and only has 16 clients.  But guess what. 
They're already making thousands of dollars a month in profit!  Ya think
these guys are excited and overjoyed??

By the end of this year, this client is going to be "sitting pretty!"  How
'bout you?

And what do you think made this entire process so much easier and
more profitable for him? 

You guessed it, his medical transportation business!

He already had chore infrastructure in place and obviously already had a
target market for which to leverage!

Again, I have to keep this message short due to time.  And because I'm
not interested in a sales pitch, all I can suggest is that you stop leaving
so much money on the table!  Click the link below and get started.

Click Here to Diversify and Develop Your Business

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group