Subject: Are you getting excited yet?

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Greetings from all of us at Million Dollar Transportation to all of you!

Is business booming? If not, why? What are you doing today to improve your tomorrow? Everyday is a new opportunity for which to improve!

This is another update with a few tidbits of necessary information for our upcoming June 3rd Million Dollar Seminar.

1. I still need a few of you to contact me with the name(s) of the people for whom you reserved additional seats. If you haven\'t done so already, you know who you are. Please contact me and let me know.

2. If you\'re staying at the Best Western Binghamton Regency Hotel where the Seminar will be hosted, reserve your room ASAP! Also, make sure that you tell the receptionist that you will be in attendance for the Million Dollar Seminar when making your reservation. This will ensure that you are charged a discounted price of $79 per night. Please make sure that you do this ASAP if you haven\'t already done so!

3. On Saturday, June 3rd, breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be buffet style and will be held right outside the room of our Seminar. Meals are FREE of charge and are included with the Seminar. And, we won\'t be scrimping!

Breakfast will include eggs, home fries, ham, sausage, fruit, juices and more.

Lunch will include soup, salad, baked rigatoni, cold meats, deserts, and more.

Dinner will include chicken piccata, sliced London broil over fettuccini, green beans, oven roasted potatoes, deserts, and more.

This hotel has a good reputation for being first class to include their quality of food.

Just make sure that you get their early enough to eat so that we can start promptly at 9:00 AM. Kathy and I will be there to eat with you and so that we can meet and greet each other prior to starting.

4. The room that we will be in is called the North Riverside Room. They hotel will have necessary directions to our room - just follow the signs!

5. Also, if you're planning on flying in and you need a ride to and from the airport on Friday, June 2nd and Sunday, June 4th, then we will need you to contact our office by no later than Friday, May 26th. You can contact our office at (607) 797-1475. Just ask for Kathy and we'll get your flight info. This is very important.

Ironically enough, my company is going to be VERY busy this weekend. We have a contract with a local university and we will be transporting large groups of people on this weekend. So, we need to get your flight info in advance so that we can ensure that you\'re picked up and returned on time.

6. You have probably already read, reviewed, and studied the information in "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company." However, I encourage you to do so again prior to attending the Million Dollar Seminar. We're going to be cramming in a lot of info during the Seminar as well as doing some hands-on-training. So to maximize our learning time, you will want to be well-versed in the information contained within the e-course.

7. Many of you have also asked questions about your FREE copy of Dispatching Made Easy that you will receive on June 3rd at the Seminar. We will be discussing many dispatching and logistical issues, but we may not have enough time to go into great detail about the "How To's" of this software. But don't worry. Dispatching Made Easy is just that – EASY!

I designed Dispatching Made Easy to be incredibly easy for anyone to download, learn, and use. There's also a Help Tutorial on the software program that will give further details and instructions.

Again, thanks for reserving your seat. We look forward to meeting and helping you on June 3rd! Please feel free to contact us with any questions. You can reach us at or Or, you can contact our office with your flight arrangements at (607) 797-1475.

See you soon,
Joel E. Davis