Subject: Are you a Millionaire?

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello everyone!  I hope this message finds you all doing well and that business is booming!

I had the pleasure to be the guest speaker again at a luncheon sponsored by our community's Chamber of Commerce.  It was another great opportunity for me to share some of my thoughts and experiences with others in an effort to help in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

I discussed many things during my speech, but my true message was that if you wish to be successful, you need to establish a strong "Sense of Urgency."

Being successful is not a one-time chance occurrence.  Rather, true, prosperous and lasting success is the result of planned, detailed, diligent, and sustained effort over a period of time.  But to achieve lasting success you have to be motivated and driven by a strong sense of urgency.

Like me, I'm sure you know people that talk about success, think about how nice it would be to achieve success, but they never commit or take necessary action to achieve success. 

Why do such people never commit?  Well, everyone is motivated differently so I'm sure the reasons vary.  But what is obvious is that such procrastinators are clearly NOT motivated by a strong sense of urgency.  They're not motivated to "seize the day" or maximize their every available moment.

So how do you develop a strong sense of urgency?  Well, there are a few strategies that I encourage you to consider.

1. Define what you truly, truly want.  Now don't say you want to be a multi-millionaire if you really don't!  Sure, everyone would like to have millions of dollars.  But most people are not willing to pay the price necessary to become a multi-millionaire.  So be honest and accurate with yourself. 

And this doesn't apply just to money.  It applies to anything for which you plan to achieve success.  But regardless of the area of your life, just be honest with yourself and accurately define what you truly want to achieve.

2. Develop a long-term perspective.  Where do you realistically see yourself three, five, ten, twenty years from now and beyond? 

And again, be honest with yourself.  If you're not the most articulate person, don't create false hope believing that you're going to be the next greatest motivational speaker. 

Further, consider what level of sacrifices you're willing to make in the short-term in an effort to achieve your long-term success?

Are you prepared to sacrifice?  Are you prepared to work hard?  Can you accept delayed gratification?  Can you save, prepare, and invest today for tomorrows gain?

Know that tomorrow, that "someday," will eventually come to pass.  And if you haven't invested, planned, and prepared that day may not be as pleasant as you had hoped.

3. Define personal expectations based upon your long-term perspective.  What type of lifestyle do you not only anticipate enjoying but what type of lifestyle do you expect to be enjoying? 

Most people have hopes and dreams.  And that's great.  But I encourage you to have personal expectations.  What do you expect of yourself?  What do you expect to achieve with your intelligence, skills, talents, and other God given gifts? 

When you have expectations of yourself you more astutely and diligently manage your time and efforts.  They're much more focused.  Further, you tend to create higher standards for yourself in all areas of your life.

4.  Define your window of opportunity in terms of time.  How long do you have to achieve success based upon your expectations and long-term perspective?

Opportunities don't last forever.  And realistically you never really know when/if a similar or better opportunity will cross your path.  Further, this isn't always true, but generally speaking, the older you get the more likely you are to not take action. 

So define your window of opportunity.  What is the time frame(s) you're giving yourself to achieve specific goals and achieve specific levels of success?

5.  Throw all reservations and other people's opinions out the window!  And this one is an absolute must!

You'll always have the naysayers that frown upon and be jealous of your success.  They'll criticize your endeavors.  And realistically, this may even include some friends and family.  But regardless, you have to take emotion out and you cannot allow other people's opinions to affect your work or motivation nor derail your sense of urgency.


Your today is already here.  But your tomorrows are unknown in number and they're certainly never guaranteed.  So regardless of what motivates you, I can't stress to you enough the important to develop a strong sense of urgency.  Leverage your opportunities and seize the day!


See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis


Are you a millionaire yet?