Subject: Are You Getting Scammed??

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

As you might know, a few times a year I extend myself to work
one-on-one with clients over the phone, email, and more.  For some
of you, this is a more cost effective and convenient way for us to work
together than me traveling to your residence/business.

Since the 1st of this month, I've been working with a client, one-on-one,
from Arizona whose scenario just makes me want to vomit!  And don't
worry, I'm not being mean, just disgusted! 

This client, whom wishes to remain anonymous, has graciously granted
me permission to share with you his scenario that cost him to waste a
few thousand "extra" dollars as he has been starting his business. 

I share this with you because although I've seen similar scenarios before
over the years, I suspect that it's actually much more common than even
I once thought!

Prior to enlisting my help for one-on-one coaching, this client spent a
LOT of money to hire a NEMT "consultant," a supposed former
administrator from the Department of Health.  This "consultant" offered 
grandiose promises in getting my client up and running in the NEMT

Long story short, my client spent $2500 to basically get this guy, this
"consultant," to help him get the necessary licensing and registration and
various other menial tasks that my client could have done on his own
with nominal effort!!

Despite spending $2500 on a strategy that he thought would help
expedite his success in this business, he decided to enlist my help via
one-on-one coaching because, as he says in his own words, "I found
myself licensed and registered but with little else; no direction or
guarantees of business!"

So why am I sharing this with you?  

As I've said before, just because you're a good manager it doesn't
mean you're a good leader.  Likewise, just because you're a good
employee it doesn't mean that you're going to be a good entrepreneur! 

And if you've never been a successful entrepreneur, how the heck do
you give advice to others on how to do so?!  That's like being a
"community organizer" and thinking you have the skills to successfully
run an entire global-leading economy!!

My advice, if you're considering hiring a NEMT "consultant,"
ALWAYS consider the source!!

It appears that this "consultant," a former administrator/employee, has
NEVER owned their own NEMT business let alone worked for one! 
So, how can you expect to receive credible counsel on how to start a
boot-strap NEMT company from the ground up and build it into a
million dollar business from someone who has never done it themself?

I could be very long winded on this particular topic as I find it to be 
incredibly ridiculous and borderline abusive.  But fear not, I'll restrain
myself - especially on behalf of my client who has granted me
permission to share with you his situation!

So ultimately, BUYER BEWARE!  If you're seeking outside
assistance in helping to start your business and you wish to work with
someone else, PLEASE make sure it's with someone credible -
someone that can do FAR MORE than can simply help you to get
licensed and registered!

Make sure you've worked with someone who has literally "walked
the walk" and doesn't just "talk the talk!"

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

PS: If you desire one-on-one help in starting your NEMT business,
I encourage you to enlist the help of someone REAL, someone that
has literally DONE IT THEMSELF!!  When you're ready to start,
CLICK HERE!  Not only will I give you guidance on how to start,
build, and operate your business, it appears I'm a whole heck of a
lot cheaper too!!


