Subject: An Important Message

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello again to all of you in the Million Dollar Transportation Community. As always, I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and that business is booming!

First, let me thank all of you whom send me such kind and thankful messages. It is my pleasure and humbling honor to accept your words of appreciation and to learn that my information is helping you to translate effort into success.

And also, for those of you that send me less than flattering messages because you don't appreciate me sharing such insider secrets and strategies, I wish to thank you too. You remind me of my competitors when I was first starting in 1999 - your efforts to stop me and shut me up were nothing but further inspiration and motivation.

For all of you teetering on the decision whether to invest in your own Million Dollar business or not, I submit to you the following email that I recently received:

"This business would be great.... however, even if this was a great business you certainly let the cat out of the are starting a business trend and that means everyone will be doing this same thing and that makes other company's lower there profit margins. Thanks.

One more concern - if the business was so great, what would make you try to make money of selling your business?"

- Justin Sasso

I share Justin's "pearls of wisdom" with you for a reason. The reason is to illustrate differing visions and perspectives and how it's important for you to realize which vision and perspective you wish to maintain.

As I have mentioned in past correspondence, I ultimately believe that people make decisions based upon one of two motivations - fear or faith. Both are very influential motivations, yet both create two totally different visions.

For example, when I started my medical transportation company in 1999 I had a vision of success because (1) I knew that the statistics and growth of the elderly population supported my actions, and (2) I had confidence in my abilities to be successful despite the existence of multiple competitors.

Conversely, let's look at the mentality of some one who operates under the premise of fear. As Justin admits, "This business would be great." I think it's safe to assume that Justin and other with such reservations arrive at this conclusion because statistics supports the growth for this industry. But, Justin's vision for success in this industry abruptly becomes limited and ultimately resigned to the scrap heap because of a fear of competition.

Further, it is these two motivations, fear and faith, that can allow multiple people to see the exact same thing, yet allows many to maintain differing perspectives.

When I see competition, regardless of the industry, I know that there is opportunity - bottom line! Do you think that these competitors are working for free? Absolutely not - they're in business because they're making money!

Conversely, others see competition and say "There's no money in this! People are already doing it." Thus, fear has already overtaken their faith in their abilities.

If I may, let me share a quick short story with you about perspective.

Two oil executives arrived in a third world country. Upon landing, they discovered that all of the indigenous people were barefoot.

The first executive called back to headquarters and said "How could you send me here? These people don't even wear shoes!"

The second executive called back and said "Quick, send shoes! We'll make a killing!"

In my opinion, how you see and perceive opportunity, mixed with either fear or faith, will ultimately define your perspective.

Is everyone's ideal scenario to have no competition - sure it is! But it's just not realistic! Unless you're selling shoes to a shoeless society, you should anticipate competition - regardless of your business or industry. And, as I have said in previous correspondence, that's why you should follow your competition - they'll lead you to the riches!!

So now, your decision to build your own Million Dollar business comes down to one critical factor - either your fear or faith in your abilities to be successful.

If you have faith in your abilities to start, build, and grow your own Million Dollar business, then you should invest in this Million Dollar opportunity. If you have faith in your ability to translate written words in my ecourse into production, you should invest in this Million Dollar opportunity. If you have faith in your abilities to join the growing number of millionaires in American, then you should invest in this Million Dollar opportunity.

But if you have fear of competition, if you have fear in your abilities to be successful, if you have fear of challenges and obstacles, then I encourage you to maintain a 9-5 job - as employers, we need people like you!

And oh, by the way, the reason why I sell this business information is BECAUSE I CAN!

Again, it all comes down to perspective! NO ONE, and I do mean NO ONE, helped me when I was starting out. Everyone wants to keep everything a secret. No one wants to help anyone. Why - because instead of creating an environment where we network and assist each other in reaching the top, most people are living in FEAR that someone else is going to come along and "steal their cheese."

Well, I don't live from the premise of fear. Further, because NO ONE was willing to help me as I was starting I saw my own proverbial "shoeless society!" I knew that there were others like me - others that see the opportunity in this industry, others that seek financial independence, and others that wish to join the millionaire ranks. Thus, I decided to answer the call and fill a need! Why - BECAUSE I CAN!

Fear is fatal. Faith is eternal. Don't live your life from a premise of fear. Life's short - live free! Visit us today at and realize financial independence.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477