Subject: Active Licensees - Important Notes from Joel

Hello to all out Active Licensees!  I hope this message finds you all doing well and business is booming!
We are at the 4 week mark from our Atlanta event.  I am very pleased to see how well some of you are progressing.  Many of you are digging in, interviewing prospective contractors, working with your assigned Regional Directors to learn the FetchMozzo platform, and more.  In fact, one of our Active Licensees is exploring the possibilities of franchising his broker business in a completely different state.  It's awesome!
This specific newsletter is inspired by Gary and Team Holt.  I'm sharing much of that email with you to offer clarification and insight on offering our "hassle-free insurance" to customers and some conflicting policies regarding haul-offs:
  1. We do not have written policies for our hassle-free insurance policy for multiple reasons. First, expecting customers to "read the fine print" for a $19.95 investment and then anticipate their enthusiasm in giving us more money completely negates the “hassle-free” of this opportunity.

  2. Second, we do not feature our hassle free insurance on our website, but it is featured on CP1 and TP1. So customers creating a Work Order online still have the possibility to invest in hassle free insurance via CP1. But realistically, our statistics indicate customers choosing hassle free insurance on their own is very low.

  3. Third, the real money-making value to hassle free insurance comes when your representative offers it to customer over the phone as an up-sell. The customer already has their wallet open and credit card out.  The great thing about having someone answer the phone and process Work Orders over the phone is your rep has open dialogue with and can explain the benefits directly to the customer. This is unconditionally the best sales strategies for making a lot of money with hassle free insurance.  Expecting customers to read through terms of services and then be enthusiastic about making a voluntary decision to invest in additional services is a deal killer! It’s never going to happen.

  4. Both you and Carlos are right on the discrepancies regarding haul offs. As per my DVDs, policies and procedures, we always collected haul off fees for everyone’s convenience and benefit - the contractors and me.  However, based on overwhelming feedback from contractors and Regional Directors over the past few weeks, I have had to modify this policy.

  5. For the longest time we collected a flat fee for haul off fees.  Initially it was $20 and gradually increased from there. This strategy worked well in covering landfill dumping fees as well as commission percentages for contractors and me. But with dumping fees continuing to increase this year and a lot of feedback from contractors, again, we have had to modify this process.

  6. In an effort to make this specific haul off task more solvent, we have had to modify our policies and how FetchMozzo operates with respect to Haul off fees. No longer will haul off fees be included in the transaction amount. Haul off fees WILL be featured on the Work Order to ensure the contractor knows to haul off and collect payment, but again, the fees are no longer included in the total amount.

  7. As I have discussed in detail with my Regional Directors, contractor’s will be responsible for collecting the appropriate dumping fees to meet the needs at the local level due to fees increasing and varying depending on location. More specifically, collecting a single flat fee and expecting it to be suitable to cover all costs across the five states I operate has grown to be unsustainable. Hence, the reason FetchMozzo needed to be updated - to ensure it can accommodate macro demand.

  8. Yes, having contractors collect cash/payment at the point of completion is not my ideal solution. The greatest reason why is the possibility of the contractor short-changing me and denying my commission percentage. Therefore, to avoid this issue altogether, we no longer collect commission from the contractors for haul off fees. We simply stay out of it. We want the contractor to ensure he charges enough to cover all hauling and dumping fees and, if possible, maybe make a few dollars more. My goal is not to be greedy. Rather, I want to empower my contractors and ensure they are not being short-changed so I can retain them long-term.

  9. Because you are a new business and still working to lay the foundation of your business, I suggest you make haul offs a variable expense versus a fixed fee as I have been doing for the last many years. Articulate this into your Policies and Procedures. Again, all of this is the result of dumping fees continuing to increase in key markets and my need to ensure my contractors are not wasting their time and losing money.  If I was still small, the way we had been doing business may have continued to work. BUT, you always need to work to build your business in such a way that it is most suitable for your business as it grows and scales.

  10. One of the single most important lessons to take away from this confusing issue is the need to always listen to "your people." Your contractors are literally "on the front line" and they understand the intricate details associated with deliveries, moving, haul offs, etc.  As my business grew, I was witnessing this haul off issue becoming increasingly problematic. Eventually, it because necessary for me to trust in my contractor's feedback and take action. This doesn't mean your contractors "run the show" and you need to comply with all requests and suggestions. But, it definitely means you should at least entertain and consider their feedback and insight. It's often critically important.
Again, I am so pleased and proud of how quickly many of you are moving forward.  Continue sowing the seeds of success each and everyday.  Our business continues to grow and so will yours.  And, FetchMozzo will continue to grow and evolve affording us continued growth and convenience. 
Keep up the great work! 
See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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