Subject: Active Licensees - Important Notes from Joel

Hello to all out Active Licensees!  I hope this message finds you all doing well and business is booming!
We are coming up on 4 weeks out from our Atlanta event and I couldn't be more pleased to see how some of you are progressing.  It's exciting for us all.  
A couple of important reminders and admin topics in no particular order:
  1. Focus on the main sources of revenue.  You've all seen my numbers, strategies, and know what works.  I know you're all enthusiastic and highly motivated to grow your business as fast as possible and I can't congratulate you enough.  But I encourage you to be practical and move methodically forward.  Ease into and learn every aspect of the business.  You've done it in your NEMT business, focusing on "Controlled Growth," and you will benefit from employing similar methodology.  

  2. In taking point 1 into consideration, I suggest you ONLY feature the services on your website you are prepared to provide immediately - IE: You have contractors who are prepared to perform such work ASAP.  By all means, in time, you can add/feature the other types of service when prepared.

  3. Similar to the previous point, when you're personally introducing your business to prospective clients do NOT discuss or mention services you are not yet prepared to provide.  Again, the integration and offering of all of your various types of service will come soon.  But you want to first establish your presence, build your reputation, and then provide follow-up offerings as you become prepared.

  4. Remember, you are an Active Licensee.  This means you are literally part of a national network!  Do not hesitate to reference our national network to further bolster your credibility when speaking with prospective customers, retailers, and facilities.  You can literally share our corporate offices in New York and Delaware and, by all means, if you need us to verify or provide evidence to your prospects, please let us know.  We will be more than happy to assist.  We have your back!  

  5. By all means, feel free to contact my office by email and we will send you some of the stock images that we use in our marketing materials.  As Marty stressed previously, don't complicate the business or try and "reinvent the wheel."  My numbers prove what's working so simply duplicate our strategies to include our marketing tactics and material.  
  6. Whether speaking by phone or email, always be respectful of my Regional Director's time and efforts.  You all have been great so this is more of a reminder versus a complaint, but just keep in mind my RDs continue to operate and grow their businesses in addition to working to assist you.  As you're all aware, they are valuable assets to you and your learning as well as to my broker business. 
  7. Once your and FetchMozzo accounts are integrated, email your assigned Regional Director to schedule a mutually convenient time.  You most likely need at least an hour because you want to learn the desktop and mobile apps.  Chances are good you may need additional time to become further familiar with functionalities for the additional type of service.  If so, just schedule mutually convenient times.
Again, I am so pleased and proud of how quickly many of you are putting the "nuts and bolts" of your business together.  We may need to have an annual event where we can compare notes, work to build and network with each other, and tout each other's success (After all, you're going to be making more cash and will need an excuse for write-offs)!  
Keep up the great work! 
See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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