Subject: A VERY Important Point!

My Million Dollar Peeps!

I'll keep this short because I'm on the road and have to leave for a meeting.  

I'm sure most of you heard the senate passed a bill yesterday with a 50-51 vote with the kackling side kick, Madusa, casting the tying vote.

This is important for many reasons that directly affect your finances - none more so than the $79.6 BILLION earmarked for adding 87,000 IRS agents, essentially, double the size of the IRS.

Why is this important, because YOU need to anticipate being audited - bottom line!

Rather you're a new or existing business, or simply an independent operator, plan and prepare to be audited. 

There is no upside to the doubling of the IRS, and despite what the fake news lame stream media might say, they're NOT targeting the rich - people who can afford to hire attorneys and representative.  

To the contrary, the brunt of this onslaught will be the middle class, with the backbone being small business owners.

In working with many of you, some of your financial records, methodologies, and accounting is not in good order (I'm saying that delicately!).  

You know who you are, and you NEED to remedy this problem!

I always try to tell you will in advance of what's coming so you can operate from a position of strength, being proactive versus reactive.

If you know your financial records are not well organized or in good order, use the coming 4 months of the year to get everything itemized and well organized.  

If you have tax returns on extensions, push to complete AND file your 2022 returns in a timely manner.

For a host of many reasons, far too many to describe in a newsletter, this bill, among many other mismanaged variables, ensures inflation and associated costs are going to rise.

Regardless of business or industry, anticipate all things financial getting worse before they get better.

The only way to persevere is to grow.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis 
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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