Subject: A New Year's Bounty!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation. I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and that you're preparing for an even better year in 2008!

As you know, 2008 is upon us! But like I ask every year, what are you going to do this year that will improve YOU from last year? What's going to be different for YOU in 2008? What are you going to do differently?

If you've been paying attention to any news over the course of 2007 you should have noticed that there have been many changes over the last 365 days. Just to name a few, parts of our economy have been heading towards a recession, the real estate market is in serious distress to say the least, and many major foreign currencies are literally 2 to 1 in value as compared to the US dollar!

And that's just naming a very short list of many of the precarious situations that we face as we enter the New Year.

I know, I know. It sounds like I'm spreading nothing but doom and gloom. But trust me this is definitely not the case. To the contrary, as I always do, I remind all of you of the growing elderly population and the stable business opportunity that such growth provides.

Therefore, if you've only thought of starting your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company, then I ask, what is your delay - if not now, with a New Year, then when? When is it a more convenient time for you to begin to take bold action and to prepare for abundance in your life?

In speaking from first hand experience, I can tell you with all resolute honesty that the success that I have experienced with my Medical Transportation Company has served as an incredible foundation for all other entrepreneurial successes that I continue to experience. The financial reward, the friendships that I've formed, the lessons that I've learned since starting my Medical Transportation Company have been absolutely priceless. And I know that you too can experience similar lessons and success when you build your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company.

So with a New Year, I encourage you to break out of your comfort zone. Resolve to take bold action. Why - because if you haven't done so already, it's time for you to create a bounty in your life! It's time for you to reject doubt, critics, and negative energy. It's time for you to accept blessings, prosperity, and profits!

So if you're ready for change, then visit me now at Just scroll to the bottom of the page and invest no in my Million Dollar ecourse.

Wishing you a healthy & prosperous New Year, I'll see you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis