Subject: A New Opportunity!

Thursday, September 26, 2024
Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation 
Community.  As always, I hope that this message finds
you all doing well and that business is BOOMING!
This is a two part email so make sure that you read all the 
way to the end of this message. 
I want to start by sharing with you a GREAT update from a 
good friend that's invested in this Million Dollar Opportunity,
the ebook, and attended one of my Million Dollar Seminars. 
His message is self-explanatory and is an encouragement
to us all!
Hello Joel,
Hope this note finds you well. I wanted to just get in touch 
with you and let you know how thankful we are for all of your
guidance and encouragement.
Kathleen and I have been blessed with so much opportunity 
and we felt compelled to let you know. This is truly an
opportunity of a lifetime and finding the niche in the business
is the key! We have focused on long distance because of our
rural location here in
Bullhead City, AZ and it has given us a
wonderful position in the community and helping out local
The demand is so great and we have been willing to work with 
them to resolve the ever-increasing transportation issues,
that we are now faced with the opportunity to work directly with
the insurance companies without going through all the red tape.  
The fact is they need to move their patients and we are here
to help!
We feel so blessed with the knowledge that you shared with us 
so openly that we are sending you a small token of our
appreciation.  Let me know when you get it.
Please let us know if you are ever in the area.  We would love 
to have a chance to catch up if you have a moment. Office:
928-754-3872.  Look forward to talking with you soon,
Robert and Kathleen Hall
Basic Life Support Inc.
2250 Hwy 95
Bullhead City, AZ 86442

Much and many congratulations, Robert & Kathleen!  I am
overjoyed to hear of your success and am flattered and honored
that my information has been of some help. 

And yes, I will be looking you up when I am in the area!  Just ask
Steffon & Shirley in
Michigan!  I've been known to just "drop in"
when I'm in the area.  So make sure that my invite is always open!


Now, I know that this might sound rude, but for those of you that
have NOT invested in my ecourse AND either attended my Million
Dollar Seminar or invested in my DVD Series, you can delete this
message now. 

Honestly, at this point, I am only speaking to those of you that are
serious about making money and being a successful entrepreneur. 
Again, I know this might be perceived as rude, but it is what it is!

So again, if you haven't invested in my ecourse and either attended
one of my Seminars or invested in my DVD Series, then please
delete this message now.

Here's the deal.  Robert & Kathleen's message is literally why I do
what I do - share information, ideas, and opportunities with all of you! 

As I tell all of you, "Do NOT focus on the money.  Focus on the
customers and the money will follow!" 

And this principle holds true with my relationship with all of you
entrepreneurs.  I focus on providing you with a quality money-making
opportunity and I never have to worry about money.

And now, I have another money-making opportunity that I would like
to share with a VERY select few of you. 

Now, this opportunity is absolutely unrelated to the transportation
industry.  There is no correlation between the NEMT industry and
this new opportunity.  So don't misunderstand me.

Does this mean that you pursue this opportunity instead of your
transportation company? 

Absolutely not!  Rather, this is another opportunity for which to add
another source of revenue to your growing portfolio.  That's why I will
only consider partners that are serious, diverse, and capable of
managing multiple businesses and opportunities.

And here's more good news. 

  • I have invested a LOT of money into the research and
    development of this project 
  • For YOU, the cost is absolutely nothing to get involved in this
  • You can continue to build your transportation service while
    investing time into this new money-making opportunity
  • The niche market for this opportunity is HUGE!  And it's literally
  • There is no product to sell, ship, or inventory!
  • This is NOT a MLM type business or anything related
  • You can move at your own speed and make money at your
    own pace
  • This is an absolute hassle-free business opportunity
  • And there's much, much more as you'll continue to see

Now again, this is a very select opportunity.  I am offering this
opportunity to only a select number of you before I begin to promote
this opportunity on a national basis.

So, if you would like to receive more information on this opportunity,
then I need you to contact me with your interest.

Contact me via email at  
In the subject line, please put "Joel's New Opportunity" so we know
what it's regarding and that it doesn't get filtered out.

When you email me, please include the following:

  • Your full name and email address
  • The date you either attended my Million Dollar Seminar or
    invested in the DVD Series
  • Your State of residence
  • A contact number

Now, I'm going to be leaving soon for Italy.  But obviously, I will be
in communication with my staff.  So if you think you'd like to
personally partner with me on a new project, an opportunity that is
totally unrelated to the transportation industry, then please email me
with the necessary information and I'll make sure that important info
is forwarded to you very soon. 

And again, if you haven't invested in my resources, don't waste your
time!  I am only interested in partnering with people that I know are
serious about business and making money.

As always, I'll see you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis


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