Subject: A $100,000 per year Increase!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and all your business endeavors booming.

Have you reserved your seat yet at our upcoming September 30th Million Dollar Seminar?

If so, that\'s awesome! My staff and I look forward to meeting you and sharing some outstanding insider information such as how I got our county\'s Department of Social Services to significantly increase their rates of reimbursement.

Yes you heard me right. Yours truly single handedly got out county to increase their rates by 18 percent!

I had a face to face meeting with the Director of Transportation Service from DSS on Thursday and she confirmed that indeed my proposal for an 18% increase has been approved by DSS and New York State.

And because approximately half my business is with Medicaid, that will translate into an increase in revenue of approximately $100,000 per year!

So do you think I\'m excited about that? Heck yeah! In fact, we had an office party just to celebrate this \"victory.\"

And the great news for you, when you attend our upcoming Million Dollar Seminar I\'m going to tell you exactly how I did it.

Increasing private pay rates to keep up with inflation and other increasing overhead expenses is easy. Private pay rates are established by you so you can change your rates at your own discretion.

However, trying to get Medicaid to increase their rates is like pulling teeth! Any time you\'re dealing with BIG government it can be very difficult to make change happen. So in my opinion, I just pulled off a great one – approximately a $100,000 per year great one!

As I mentioned in previous correspondence, my staff and I are going to reveal a wealth of knowledge at our upcoming Million Dollar Seminar. And because of our most recent \"victory,\" when you attend on September 30th I\'m going to reveal exactly how I pulled this off.

All my competitors complained and complained, whined and cried, but nothing happened. But yours truly got it done. I still so excited - I just love it!

So, if you haven\'t yet reserved your seat at our upcoming Million Dollar Seminar, what\'s the hold up?

If you miss this Seminar, you\'re definitely going to miss out! This is going to be the best seminar to date and it\'s going to be the last one for quite some time due to holidays and my personal schedule after September 30th.

So if you\'re serious about building your own business, your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company, then stop wasting time and go to and reserve your seat today.

And don\'t forget. When you attend September 30th\'s Million Dollar Seminar, I\'m going to also give you an incredibly important Secret – one that I literally use everyday to make my business a continued success (like a $100,000 per year increase in revenue success!).

Visit us today at and reserve your seat.

See you at the top!
Joel E. Davis