Subject: 2 Effective Strategies

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hello to everyone in the Million Dollar Transportation Community! I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that business is booming!

I want to share with you two strategies that have proven to make me become a better and more effective entrepreneur and, thus, lead to more profits.

The first is "Getting out of your Comfort Zone."

If you're only thinking of starting your own business but, for whatever reason, you're failing to act, then I suspect you need to find a way to get out of your comfort zone.

If you're already in business but you're failing to put yourself in front of people, meeting people, introducing yourself, promoting your business, expanding and growing your business, then I suspect you need to find a way to get out of your comfort zone.

Let's be honest. In all of us there's some degree of disgust in receiving rejection - rejection when people aren't receptive to our efforts or services. There's also a degree of fear of failure - failure that our business won't be successful. And for these reasons, most of us have at least some reservations and fear of getting out of our comfort zone.

But in speaking from first hand experience, I can tell you that breaking through this barrier, this comfort zone, will be one of the most rewarding disciplines that you'll ever develop.

Is breaking out of your comfort zone a one time event? Heck no! In fact, getting out of your comfort zone is an evolutionary discipline that you'll develop and carry with you always. It starts with deciding to start your own business. But it certainly doesn't end there!

Once you've started your business you're going to have to continue to leave your comfort zone and meet, introduce, communicate, lead, negotiate, and further interact with a variety of people on a variety of topics. Failure to do so automatically creates a very limiting and almost oppressive ceiling on your growth potential.

But the good news about getting out of your comfort zone is that over time your ability to overcome this fear becomes more and more easy. In fact, the more you do so the more you develop what I refer to as compounding confidence.

For example, the more you develop your sales skills, your leadership skills, and other disciplines the more confident you're going to be in taking future bold action. And besides increasing your personal development, the great byproduct of breaking out and taking bold action is that it leads to increased profits!

The second strategy that I encourage you to incorporate into your business is the "Speed of Implementation."

The speed of implementation is the distance between the time that you think of an idea or develop a strategy and the time that you put it into action.

If you've read and digested all of the information in the Million Dollar ecourse and studies the Million Dollar Seminar DVD's, what is your speed of implementation? If you've read and reviewed the material, you've already taken one step to getting out of your comfort zone. But now, what is your speed of implementation.

If you're already in business and you've thought of a great marketing idea, what will be your speed of implementation? How soon will you be able to take your idea and translate it into increased sales?

If you've thought of a way to increase efficiency within your business, what's going to be your speed of implementation? How long is it going to take you to implement these strategies for increased efficiency?

I can assure you that I am a truly blessed person. There's just no way around that. I have been blessed in many ways - mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially, and much, much more.

But two things that I can absolutely guarantee you of regarding my success is that (1) I broke out of my comfort zone and continue to do on a daily basis, and (2) I have a rapid speed of implementation. The difference between my competitors and me is that I will act and I will do so quickly!

And do you know what, I absolutely guarantee you that all highly successful people on all levels share in these two disciplines.

When a successful person hears of or thinks about an opportunity or idea they put it into action. They implement the idea and maximize their opportunities. They don't digest the idea, agree with and recognize the idea/opportunity and then fail to implement. Why - because they're successful for a reason - they take action!

Successful people break through and implement! I can guarantee you that it's a common trait in all successful people in business, sports, academia, and more. So my strongest advice to you, do NOT limit yourself. BREAK THROUGH AND IMPLEMENT!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis