One thing we LOVE, is money.

We love it so much we created our own money dance 💃 

(if you're lucky we may even show it to you)

Money is simply energy that gets to be loved, because the more you show something love, the more it loves you back.

If this is triggering for you, then maybe you need to join us in The New Era Of Freedom Workshop if you haven't yet! There may be some money stories playing out for you that are no longer serving you and Rebekah L Femia who is our resident Money Queen will be sharing on Day 2 around money and how to attract more of it into your life.
One thing we know for sure, is that if you don't know where you're going, you'll end up anywhere.

A huge factor that holds people back is not being clear on their vision.

In Day 1 of The New Era Of Freedom Workshop, Serena A Larcombe (solo mum of 4 who 3 years ago was about to lose her house and then created multi 6 figures and going on 7) will help you get super clear on what your vision is and the steps to take to actually get there.

This is such a powerful story and so inspiring! 
I am hoping that you have jumped in and have registered for the 4 Day Free Workshop already! 
If not, here is the link.

I am so looking forward to getting to know you better and be apart of your journey to awareness and abundance!

Nicole xx   
Miles Of Abundance