Subject: 😊 Your Recording - Women of Power and Spirit

Hello Friend, Beautiful Woman of Power and Spirit,

With some unexpected travel and a recent death in the family, I'm afraid I got a bit behind. 

So you are receiving the Discussion and Holding on the topic—A Woman's Strength, as well as an interview I did with lightening strike survivor, Lisa Limberger.

Hit by lightning at age 15, and haunted by decades of a seizure disorder that caused Lisa to flatline on multiple occasions, Lisa Limberger has turned her trauma into the fuel of her healing modality called Neurosculpting®. She is the Founder of the Neurosculpting® Institute and runs a private practice teaching meditation to clients who suffer from stress disorders and law enforcement agencies. She is the author of New Beliefs, New Brain and Neurosculpting® audio programs. Learn more about Lisa and her work at

The Discussion, Holding Meditation and Interview are in your members area:

Share your thoughts about what struck you most in Lisa's journey here:

I look forward to hearing about how her story of personal strength inspires you!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

2675 W. Hwy 89A PMB 455, Sedona, AZ 86336, United States
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